1345.4 - SA Stats, Oct 2007  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 30/10/2007   
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This article presents information from the ABS publication Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia, 2005-06 (cat. no. 4114.0). It provides information on attendance rates at cultural venues and events with a South Australian focus. This data has been recorded for people aged 15 years and over. Key findings include:

  • South Australia leads the nation in library usage with 40% attending in 2005–06. Library attendance rates were similar for Adelaide and the rest of the state.
  • Attendance in 'at least one cultural venue and event' was higher for South Australian females than males.
  • Around nine out of ten 'couple families with dependent children' attended 'at least one cultural venue or event' in 2005–06.

Attendance at cultural venues and events is included as an indicator in the ABS Social Capital Framework (Information Paper: ABS Measuring Social Capital, An Australian Framework and Indicators, 2004 (cat. no. 1378.0) pdf 1985 kB). Its importance in the development of social well-being is further reflected in the funding cultural activities attract from government. In 2005–06, total government funding for cultural activities was $5.4 billion with the Australian Government contributing $1,878.4m, the state and territory governments contributing $2,598.1m and local governments providing $973.2m (Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2005–06 (cat. no. 4183.0)).

In 2005–06, 85% of South Australians attended at least one cultural venue or event. More than half of South Australians attended cinemas (64%) followed by attendance at libraries (40%) and attendance at zoological parks and aquariums (38%).

Attendance of South Australians in 'at least one cultural venue or event' in 2005–06 was similar to the national average of 85%. The Australian Capital Territory reported the highest attendance rate for 'at least one cultural venue or event' (90%), with the lowest reported in Tasmania (82%).

In 2005–06, South Australian attendances at libraries was 6 percentage points higher than the national attendance rate (40% and 34% respectively). Of all states and territories, South Australians had the highest rate of attendance for libraries (40%) followed by Western Australia (37%) and Queensland (35%). South Australians also had the highest rate of attendance for 'dance performances' (11%) and for 'other performing arts' (21%).


Attendance at cultural venues and events, South Australia and Australia — 2005–06

Residents of Adelaide had a higher attendance rate in 'at least one cultural venue or event' than residents in the rest of South Australia (88% and 78% respectively). The rate of attendance at 'cinemas' for residents in Adelaide was 22 percentage points higher than those in the rest of the state, followed by 'museums' with the rate of attendance by residents in Adelaide 15 percentage points higher than those in the rest of the state. Similar rates were reported for library attendance between Adelaide and the rest of the state (40% for both).

Nationally, the difference in attendance rates at cultural venues and events between residents of capital cities and rest of Australia were smaller, only 3 percentage points compared with 10 percentage points in South Australia. Nationally, attendance at 'cinemas' was also higher for residents in capital cities (69%) compared with those living in the rest of Australia (58%).

Attendance rates for 'at least one cultural venue or event' were higher in the six state capital cities than in the rest of each state. The largest difference was Adelaide (10 percentage points) and smallest was Melbourne (3 percentage points). South Australia had the largest difference between capital city and rest of state for attendance at 'art galleries' with Adelaide attendance 9 percentage points higher than rest of state. Victoria (24% for both) and New South Wales (21% for both) reported similar rates of attendance at 'art galleries' for the capital city and rest of state. The attendance rate at 'museums' for Adelaide was 15 percentage points higher than rest of state, while Victoria reported similar attendance rates for the capital city and rest of state (21%).

Attendance at cultural venues and events, Adelaide and rest of South Australia — 2005–06
Female attendance in 'at least one cultural venue and event' was higher than male attendance in South Australia, 88% for females compared to 82% for males. Similar attendance rates for females and males in 'at least one venue or event' were seen nationally. The biggest difference for South Australia was in attendance rates at 'libraries', with attendance rates of females 16 percentage points higher than that for males. Nationally, library attendance by females was 14 percentage points higher than males. 'Popular music concerts' were evenly attended by males and females in South Australia. The attendance rates for females and males for 'Popular music concerts' were similar nationally.

Female attendance rates in 'at least one cultural venue or event' were higher than males, with a difference of 7 percentage points in South Australia. The Northern Territory was the only state to record higher attendance rates for males than females in 'at least one cultural venue or event' with a difference of 5 percentage points.


Attendance at cultural venues and events, Males — 2005–06
Source: Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia, 2005–06 (cat. no. 4114.0)


In South Australia, people living in 'couple families with dependent children' had the highest rate of attendance in 'at least one venue or event' (92%). This was 16 percentage points higher than people living in lone person households which had the lowest rate of attendance. The highest rate of attendance was at 'cinemas' for people living in all family types.

In South Australia, residents with a 'bachelor degree or higher' were more likely to attend 'at least one cultural venue or event' (98%) than those who had completed a 'certificate or diploma', or 'year 12 or below' (89% and 81% respectively). Apart from people whose educational attainment is 'level not defined', those with a 'bachelor degree or higher' had the highest rates of attendance for all types of cultural venues and events. Similar attendance rates were found nationally, with a pattern of those with higher levels of qualifications attending more cultural venues and events.

In South Australia, 81% of the population who went to a library attended four times or more in 2005–06. The proportions were lower for people attending three times (6%), twice (9%) or once (4%) over the year. A similar pattern was found for attendance at cinemas with 62% attending four times, 12% attending three times, 15% attending twice and 11% attending once.

When comparing South Australian and national frequencies similar percentages were found for library and cinema attendance with a large number of Australian's attending four times or more (78% for libraries and 64% for cinemas). This pattern of frequency rates for libraries and cinemas was similar for all six states.

ATTENDANCE AT CULTURAL VENUES AND EVENTS, Frequencies for South Australia — 2005–06
Attendance at cultural venues and events, frequencies for SA — 2005–06
Source: Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia, 2005–06 (cat. no. 4114.0)

ATTENDANCE AT CULTURAL VENUES AND EVENTS, Frequencies for Australia — 2005–06

Attendance at cultural venues and events, frequencies for Australia — 2005–06
Source: Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia, 2005–06 (cat. no. 4114.0)

Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2005–06 (cat. no. 4183.0)

Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia, 2005–06 (cat. no. 4114.0)

Information Paper: ABS Measuring Social Capital, An Australian Framework and Indicators, 2004 (cat. no. 1378.0) pdf 1985 kB