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Reference Period The survey was last conducted over four 13-day periods between February and November 2006, chosen to contain a representative proportion of public holidays and school holidays. Frequency of collection This is an irregular survey. Method of collection Information was obtained in the Time Use Survey partly by interview and partly by self-completion diaries. Information was collected for all persons aged 15 years or more in selected households. A household form was used to collect basic demographic data (sex, age, birthplace) and details of the relationship between individuals in each household. A personal questionnaire concentrated on further demographic and socio-economic information about each household person in scope, to identify population groups. A diary was provided for each person in scope in the household to record the nature, timing and duration of their activities over two specified days. DISSEMINATION Release schedule The results of the 2006 survey were released in February 2008. Publications How Australians Use Their Time, 2006 (ABS cat. no. 4153.0) Information Paper: Time Use Survey, Australia - Unit Record File, 1997 (ABS 4151.0) Time Use on Culture/Leisure Activities, 1997 (ABS cat. no. 4173.0) Time Use Survey, Australia—Users' Guide, 2006 (ABS cat. no. 4150.0) Other information Although the 2006 survey is largely a repeat of the 1997 survey, some items have been expanded (e.g. income amount is now separated by income source and more detailed data regarding the use of Information Technology are available). New items include: identification of grandparents and the types of care given to grandchildren; indicators of casual work, paid and unpaid overtime, whether people working from home are doing so by an ongoing arrangement with an employer; and some subjective items such as generalised trust, time stress, satisfaction with use of time, and attitude to gardening. Data Service A Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) is available for the 1997 survey (ABS cat. no. 4152.0), and the 2006 survey. The Time Use Survey 2006 Expanded CURF (ABS cat. no. 4152.0.55.002) provides a greater level of detail than that provided in the Time Use Survey 2006 Basic CURF (ABS cat. no. 4152.0.55.001). The Expanded CURF is only available via the Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL). A Basic CURF is also available, which can be accessed on CD-ROM and/or via the RADL. Time Use Survey, Confidentialised Unit Record File - Basic CURF on CD-ROM and RADL, 2006 (ABS cat. no. 4152.0.55.001) Time Use Survey, Confidentialised Unit Record File - Expanded CURF on RADL, 2006 (ABS cat. no. 4152.0.55.002) Time Use Survey, Confidentialised Unit Record File,1997 (ABS cat. no. 4152.0) DATA ITEMS Demographic State or territory of usual residence Capital city/balance of state, Section of state, Remoteness areas Sex Age Marital status Relationship in household Family composition Country of birth Country of birth of parents Year of arrival in Australia Health Self-assessed health status Disability status Participation in education and training Whether still at school, studying full-time, studying part-time Level of current study Type of institution attending Education activities Attendance at educational courses (excluding job-related training) Job related training Homework, study and research Breaks at place of education Associated communication Associated travel Teaching and helping children Playing, reading and talking with children Visiting child care establishment or school Attendance at recreational courses (excluding school and university) Other education-related data items Age left school Highest level of secondary schooling completed Level of highest non-school qualification Level of highest educational attainment Main field of study for highest non-school qualification Historical Data The survey was conducted in 1992, 1997 and 2006. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.