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It also contains analysis of trends in key fields identified as areas of skill shortage; a review of offer and acceptance rates by key applicant demographics; and information on factors affecting current and future demand. Scope Domestic applicants for admission to the first semester of undergraduate university study in the reference year. Prior to 2009, data was limited to those who meet certain eligibility criteria. Year 12 applicants are considered “eligible” if their Year 12 studies give them a Tertiary Entrance Score, resulting in an Interstate Transfer Index exceeding a declared minimum score (56.2, in 2008). All “Other” applicants (non-Year 12 applicants) are considered eligible for undergraduate university courses. This will no longer be the case from 2009 onwards which will also report on the total number of applications. Reference Period September of the year prior, to March of the reference year. Frequency of Collection Annual Method of Collection Data from the application and offer processes are provided to DEEWR by the six TACs. While each state has its own TAC, applications and offers for the ACT are handled by the NSW TAC; and South Australia provides that service for the NT. From 2010 onwards, higher education providers will supply DEEWR with information on direct applications. DISSEMINATION Release schedule May of the reference year. Publications Undergraduate Applications, Offers and Acceptances, 2008. DEEWR, Canberra, freely available from the DEEWR website. Geography Information is available for Australia and the six TACs. Analysis by metropolitan and non-metropolitan from 2009. Data Service A separate Excel file of the Appendix tables is available on the DEEWR website. Other data is available on request. DATA ITEMS Age (20 or younger, 21 years or older) Sex Indigenous status State (ACT within NSW; NT within SA.) Applicant type (Year 12, Non-Year 12) Tertiary Entrance Score of Year 12 Applicant (the 'Interstate Transfer Index') Field of education Preference level of course Number of Preferences Applications Offers of places Acceptances of Offers Basis of admission Rejections of Offers Unmet Demand for places From 2009: Age (19 and under, 20 to 24 years, 25 and over; and subcategory 16 and under) Region (metropolitan, regional) Prior highest educational participation (including participation in VET) Socio-Economic Status (based on SEIFA IEO) Historical Data Time series are only available back to 2001 due to significant changes in the data collection. Breaks in some time series will occur in 2009 due to standardisation of data elements and changes in definitions. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.