Time Series Spreadsheets |
Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10. Stage of Production, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes |
Table 11. Input to the Coal mining industry, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 12. Output of the Manufacturing industries, division, subdivision, group and class index numbers |
Table 13. Input to the Manufacturing industries, division and selected industries, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 14. Input to the Manufacturing industries, subdivision index numbers |
Table 17. Output of the Construction industries, subdivision and class index numbers |
Table 18. Input to the House construction industry, six state capital cities, weighted average and city, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 20. Output of the Accommodation and food services industries, group index numbers |
Table 21. Output of the Transport, postal and warehousing industries, group and class index numbers  |
Table 22. Output of the Information media and telecommunications industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 23. Output of the Rental, hiring and real estate services industries, subdivision, group and class index numbers |
Table 24. Output of the Professional, scientific and technical services industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 25. Output of the Administrative and support services industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 26. Output of the Public administration and safety industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 27. Output of the Other services industries, group and class index numbers  |
Table 34. Output of the Education and training industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 35. Output of the Health care and social assistance industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 36. Output of the Mining industries, index numbers |
Data Cubes |
Table 5 Stage of Production, Contribution to Final demand index by industry and source – index points: Contribution to Domestic Final demand index by industry and source – index points |
Table 6 Stage of Production: Contribution to Domestic Final demand index by industry and destination – index points |
Table 7 Stage of Production: Contribution to Imported Final demand index by industry and destination – index points |
Table 8 Stage of Production: Contribution to Intermediate demand index by industry and source – index points |
Table 9 Stage of Production: Contribution to Preliminary demand index by industry and source – index points |
Table 28 Contribution to Input to the Manufacturing industries index, subdivision and index points |
Table 29 Contribution to Output of the Manufacturing industries index, group index points |
Table 30 Contribution to Input to the House construction industry index, weighted average of six state capital cities, index points |
Table 31 Producer Price Index for the Output of the Retail Trade Industry, Australia, index numbers and percentage changes  |
Released 27/02/2018 |