Publications |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 1: NRM and SA1 boundaries |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 2: Change in number of 0-0.075ha cadastral parcels by SA1, 2006-2011 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 3: SA1s with an increase of 50 or more 0.4-10ha residential cadastral parcels, 2002-2011 |
Released 21/12/2012 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 4: Total rateable value of land by NRM, 2012 |
Released 21/12/2012 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 5: Rateable value of total primary production land use by NRM, 2012 |
Released 21/12/2012 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 6: Proportion of NRM covered by total primary production land use, 2012 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 7: Percentage of 1750 native vegetation remaining in 2006 by NRM region.pdf |
Released 26/03/2013 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 8: Percentage of 1750 native vegetation remaining in 2006 by IBRA region.pdf |
Released 26/03/2013 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map 9: Percentage of 1750 native vegetation remaining in 2006 by SA4 region.pdf |
Released 26/03/2013 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map10: 2006 NVIS grid overlaid with NRM regions.pdf |
Released 26/03/2013 |
4609.0.55.002 - Map11: 1750 NVIS grid overlaid with NRM regions.pdf |
Released 26/03/2013 |
Data Cubes |
Land use by Land cover, by NRM, Rateable value |
Land use by Land cover, by NRM, Hectares  |
Released 22/03/2013 |
Industry by Land Cover, Total Victoria, Rateable value |
SA1 level data in ESRI format |
SA1 level data in Mapinfo format |
SA1 level data in tab delimited format |
SA1 level data in Google format |
Land cover change, by NRM,1750 to 2006 |
Released 26/03/2013 |
Land cover change, by SA4, 1750 to 2006 |
Released 26/03/2013 |
Land cover change, by IBRA, 1750 to 2006 |
Released 26/03/2013 |