Table 01:NIF Private Consumption - Seasonally Adjusted |
Table 02:NIF Demand and Expenditure - Seasonally Adjusted ($million) |
Table 03:NIF Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 04:NIF Depreciation and Deductions - Original ($ million) |
Table 05:NIF Interest Payments - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 06:NIF Product Aggregates - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 07:NIF Stocks of Physical and Financial Assets - Seasonally Adjusted ( $ million) |
Table 08:NIF Increases in Stocks - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 09:NIF Imports and Exports of Goods and Services - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 10:NIF Labour Market - Seasonally Adjusted ('000) |
Table 11:NIF Implicit Price Deflators - Seasonally Adjusted |
Table 12:NIF Tax Rates - Original (%) |
Table 13:NIF Taxes & Transfers - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 14:NIF Incomes - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 15:NIF Budget Sector - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 16:NIF Changes in Public Authorities Stocks - Seasonally Adjusted ($ million) |
Table 17:NIF Miscellaneous - Seasonally Adjusted |