Cultural Industries Survey

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    Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

    The Cultural Industries survey is an adhoc survey which collects financial, employment and some activity information about all employing organisations in the cultural industries.

    The collection was undertaken in response to user's need for financial information about the cultural industries, to measure their size and structure on a regular basis, and their contribution to the Australian economy.

    The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in the film and video production, distribution and exhibition industries; the radio and television services industries; and the libraries, museums, botanic gardens and the arts industries. As with other service industry surveys, the scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC).

    The scope of the collection covered the following ANZSIC classes:

    • 9111 Film and Video Production
    • 9112 Film and Video Distribution
    • 9113 Motion Picture Exhibition
    • 9122 Television Services
    • 9511 Video Hire Outlets
    • 5259(part) Commercial Art Galleries
    • 9210(part) Public, State & National Libraries, plus public archives
    • 9220 Museums plus government museums plus non-employing museums
    • 9231(part) Botanic gardens (excludes Zoological Gardens)
    • 9241 Music and Theatre Productions
    • 9252 Performing Arts Venues plus local government PAV
    • 9259 Other Services to the Art including Performing Arts Festivals


    Conceptual framework

    The Cultural Industries Surveys were comprised of a number of separate sureys including:

    • Film and Video Production and Distribution
    • Motion Picture Exhibition
    • Television Services
    • Video Hire Outlets
    • Commercial Art Galleries
    • Libraries
    • Museums
    • Botanic gardens
    • Music and Theatre Productions
    • Performing Arts
    • Performing Arts Festivals

    The conceptual Framework comprises the following components:

    Film and Video Production and Distribution - The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in the film and video production and distribution industries. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) classes:
    • 9111 Film and Video Production; consisting of businesses/organisations mainly engaged in the production of motion pictures on film or video tape for theatre or television projection. This class also includes such services as casting, film editing and titling.
    • 9112 Film and Video Distribution; consisting of businesses/organisations mainly engaged in leasing or wholesaling motion pictures on film or video tape to organisations for exhibition or sale. This class also includes agents mainly engaged in leasing and wholesaling films and videos to organisations.
    Motion Picture Exhibition - The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in the motion picture exhibition industry. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9113 Motion Picture Exhibition; consisting of businesses/organisations mainly engaged in screening motion pictures on film or video tape.

    Television Services - The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in the television services industry. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9122 Television Services; consisting of businesses/organisations mainly engaged in television broadcasting. This class includes the production of television programs, whether live or on tape or other recording medium, for own use. This class also included the collection of news for television broadcasting.

    Public Libraries - The collection was a survey of organisations mainly engaged in the public library activities and included National, State and Local Government Authority libraries. Data on National and State archives is also included separately in the publication.

    Museums - The collection was a survey of establishments mainly engaged in the museums industry. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9220 Museums; consisting of organisations mainly engaged in operating museums of all kinds. This class also includes organisations mainly engaged in historic house operation.

    Botanic gardens - The collection was a census of significant businesses and organisations mainly engaged in botanic gardens activity. The scope of the collection is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9231 Zoological and Botanic Gardens (excluding Zoological Gardens).

    Music and Theatre Productions - The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in the Music and Theatre Production industry. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9241 Music and Theatre Productions; consisting of businesses/organisations mainly engaged in providing live theatrical or musical presentations (including concerts, opera, ballet or drama).

    Performing Arts Venues - The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in the Performing Arts Venues industry. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9252 Performing Arts Venues.

    Services to the Arts - The collection was a survey of businesses and organisations mainly engaged in providing other services to the Arts. The scope of the collection was based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9259 Other Services to the Arts.

    Commercial Art Galleries - The collection was a survey of establishments mainly selling artwork's. The scope of the collection is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 5259 Retailing nec but includes only Commercial Art Galleries.

    Performing Arts Festivals - The collection was a survey of performing arts festivals of greater than two consecutive days duration. Most businesses and organisations operating festivals are classified to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) class 9259 Services to the Arts.

    Video Hire Outlets - The scope of the survey is all businesses classified to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) Class 9511 Video Hire Outlets; consisting of employing businesses mainly engaged in hiring pre-recorded video cassettes to the general public for personal use.

    Main outputs
    The publications contain the following tables at the Australia level:

    • sources of income
    • items of expenditure
    • characteristics of employment
    • selected statistics by employment size groupings
    • selected performance ratios
    • assets, liabilities and net worth
    • various activity data as identified by users such as
      • film and video and television production activity
      • selected statistics for productions made specifically for television
      • library and museums stocks and visits
      • video rentals
      • art-work sales

    The predominant classification is according the Australian and New Zealand Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). Businesses are predominantly selected on the basis of their ANZSIC at the management unit level.

    Data are available at the ANZSIC class level. Some statistics are available at the state level.

    Other concepts (summary)
    Not applicable

    New South Wales
    South Australia
    Western Australia
    Northern Territory

    Comments and/or Other Regions
    Not applicable


    Frequency comments
    Collection is irregular and will be run approximately 3 yearly (subject to review)


    1999-00 is the third collection cycle of the Cultural Industries although collections of statistics for the film and video production, distribution and exhibition have been undertaken in 1993-1994 and 1996-1997. Statistics for the Radio and Television Services Industries have been undertaken in 1993-1994 and 1996-1997. Statistics for the Libraries, Museums and Arts industries have been conducted in 1996-1997.


    Data availability comments

    Data available from publications:
    Film and Video Production and Distribution, Australia (cat. no. 8679.0)
    Motion Picture Exhibition, Australia (cat. no. 8654.0)
    Television Services, Australia (cat. no. 8559.0)
    Public Libraries, Australia (cat. no. 8561.0)
    Museums, Australia (cat. no. 8560.0)
    Botanic Gardens Australia (cat. no. 8563.0)
    Performing Arts Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8697.0)
    Commercial Art Galleries, Australia (cat. no. 8651.0)
    Performing Arts Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8697.0)
    Video Hire Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8562.0)

    08/06/2017 01:40 PM