It has long been recognised that many volunteer agencies provide effective and efficient welfare services. This is partly because the non-government (or community) sector is often more able to respond quickly to emerging community needs. Also, the specialised nature of some welfare agencies means they have detailed knowledge of the needs of their target group.
Non-government welfare agencies also provide significant voluntary support to government-funded services. However, many community service agencies are finding it increasingly difficult to meet the growing demand for services. Reduced resources and increased hardship in the community have placed increased pressure on existing social services. Heightened competition for support from donors and volunteers have also made it difficult for organisations to maintain or expand current services.
The following web sites contain information about some of the organisations providing community services in Tasmania.
Tasmanian Council of Social Services Inc. (TasCOSS)
Colony 47
The Hobart City Mission
The Salvation Army - Tasmania
The Society of St Vincent de Paul - Tasmania