In 2008, the most popular month for marriages was November, with 15,109 (12.7%) marriages celebrated in this month. March followed with 14,128 (11.9%) marriages. July was the least popular month for weddings, with only 5,008 (4.2%) of marriages taking place in that month. In 2008, the number of marriages decreased in July (16.5%) and September (15.2%). Data on month of occurrence fluctuates depending on the number of weekends that occur in the month in any given year. In 2008, marriages occurring in August increased by 44.4% due to a large increase in the number of marriages performed on the 8/8/08. This was due to the fact that the date has been given special significance in the Chinese community and there were a large number of couples married on this date. There were 1,444 marriages on this date which was the highest number of marriages occurring on a Friday throughout the year. The next most popular Friday for marriages to be performed was 29 February 2008 when 564 marriages took place.
Weddings are more likely to occur on a Saturday, then Sunday and Friday. 2008 is consistent with this pattern. Saturday 4 October was the most popular day of 2008 to get married, with 2,221 marriages ceremonies being performed on that day
Months of marriage, Australia, 2008