5646.0 - Private New Capital Expenditure, State Estimates, Dec 2001  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 19/03/2002  Ceased
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The December quarter 2001 release of Private New Capital Expenditure, State Estimates (cat. no. 5646.0) was the final issue of that publication and associated electronic output. From the March quarter 2002 (to be released on 30 May 2002), Private New Capital Expenditure, Australia (cat. no. 5625.0) and associated electronic output will be the sole source of output from the Survey of Private New Capital Expenditure.

All state data previously included in the electronic releases from 5646.0 will continue to be available in 5625.0's electronic releases.

The 5646.0 release has, in addition to state data, included Australian level data which in some cases was updated from those data previously released in 5625.0 some 3 weeks earlier. These series will no longer be duplicated.

In addition to these existing state series, chain volume measures of state capital expenditure will be released for the first time from the March quarter 2002.

Australia-level files previously included in 5646.0 which are now redundant

The following files are already included in 5625.0 output and have the same names:

Table 1a
Table 1b
Table 1c
Table 1e
Table 1f

Table 2 in 5646.0 is the same file as Table 3a in 5625.0.

New names for some state-level Ausstats files

The following 5646.0 files will retain the same contents but will be re-named in the 5625.0 release:

Table 3 will become Table 4a
Table 4 will become Table 4b
Table 5 will become Table 4c.

Unchanged 5646.0 files

The following files from 5646.0 will be unchanged in content and name with the move to 5625.0:

Table 6a
Table 6b
Table 7a
Table 7b
Table 8a
Table 8b
Table 9a
Table 9b
Table 10a
Table 10b
Table 11a
Table 11b

Details of state chain volume measures

From the March quarter 2002 release, chain volume measures by state will be available for the first time. These data will be compiled at the total all industries level by state for each asset type and will be available in original, seasonally adjusted and trend terms. The format of these files will be consistent with the current price files (4a, 4b and 4c, above).

The new files are:

Table 5a - Actual expenditure by type of asset and state, chain volume measures, original ($m)
Table 5b - Actual expenditure by type of asset and state, chain volume measures, seasonally adjusted ($m)
Table 5c - Actual expenditure by type of asset and state, chain volume measures, trend ($m)

Existing 5625.0 files

All files currently released in 5625.0 will remain unchanged in name and content.

Please contact John Blanchette on (02) 9268 4357 or by email john.blanchette@abs.gov.au for further information.