BOP and IIP data, and metadata (which is textual information about the data), is found in the following publications and electronic data sources:
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, (ABS Cat. no. 5302.0)
This quarterly publication is released about two months after the reference quarter. It provides both summary and detailed balance of payments, international investment and related statistics. A copy of the current quarterly issue is provided so that users can see the detail published.
A spreadsheet released annually in conjunction with the September issue of 5302.0 provides seasonal adjustment factors for the historical data and, for the next four quarters, the forward factors which will be used in compiling seasonally adjusted estimates for the current account series in ABS Cat. no. 5302.0.
International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, (ABS Cat. no. 5368.0)
This monthly publication is released about four weeks after the end of the reference month. It contains summary information on the goods and services items of the balance of payments. It also contains broad level merchandise trade data. A copy of the current monthly issue is provided so that users can see the detail published.
A spreadsheet released annually in conjunction with the October issue of 5368.0 provides seasonal adjustment factors for the historical data and, for the next twelve months, the forward factors which will be used in compiling seasonally adjusted estimates.
Balance of Payments, Australia - Regional Series, (ABS Cat. no. 5338.0)
This annual publication (in spreadsheets) is released about 7 months after the reference year. It contains additional detail on annual BOP data for many countries and country groups.
International Investment Position, Australia, Supplementary Country Statistics (ABS Cat. no. 5352.0)
This annual publication (in spreadsheets) is released about 7 months after the reference year. It contains additional detail on annual IIP transactions, levels and income data for many countries and country groups.
Australian Economic Indicators (ABS Cat. no. 1350.0)
Published monthly as part of a wide variety of economic data, this provides summary balance of payments and international investment statistics, and the monthly international trade in goods and services. The BOP and IIP statistics are as reported in the most recent edition of ABS Cat. no. 5302.0, and the international trade in goods and services as in the most recent edition of ABS Cat. no. 5368.0.
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia : Concepts, Sources and Methods (ABS Cat. no. 5331.0)
This edition, released in 1998, provides a detailed explanation of the concepts, sources and methods used to compile Australian balance of payments and international investment position statistics.
Measuring Australia's Economy, Edition 7 (ABS Cat. no. 1360.0)
This publication, released in 2003, provides the latest economic indicators measured by the Australian Bureau of Statistics along with indicators from other opganisations and international comparisions.
This is an electronic service provided by ABS, containing tens of thousands of monthly and quarterly time series and other data, accessible through the ABS website. The monthly international trade in goods and services, and the quarterly and annual BOP and IIP data are included. The service is available at a cost - contact Client Services on 1300 135 070.
Main features
A copy of the main features of most ABS publications, including the main features of the BOP and IIP publications above, is available for free on the ABS website at the same time as the respective publication is released. At the ABS homepage, click on Statistics, then on Selected Main Features, then on the catalogue number of the desired publication.
Consultancy Services
A range of unpublished data is also available upon request. Details of what is available and charges for these services can be obtained by contacting Client Services on 1300 135 070.