The preliminary estimated resident population of Australia at March 2003 was 19,875,000 persons. The population increased by 0.4% in the March quarter 2003 and 1.3% in the 12 months ended March 2003. With the exception of the Northern Territory all states and the Australian Capital Territory recorded positive growth in the March quarter 2003. Queensland and Western Australia recorded the highest growth (each 0.6%) followed by Victoria (0.5%), Tasmania (0.4%) and New South Wales, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory (each 0.3%). The Northern Territory loss (-0.1%) was mainly due to an increase in interstate migration losses (-1,200).
Similarly, for the year ended March 2003 the Northern Territory was the only state or territory to record negative growth (-0.2%). The highest positive growth was recorded by Queensland (2.4%) and lowest by South Australia (0.6%).
The March quarter 2003 issue of Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0) was released on 18 September 2003.
For more information please contact Anne Ward on (02) 6252 6296 or anne.ward@abs.gov.au