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Secure Environment for Analysing Data (SEAD)

Register your interest or general enquiries and support for existing SEAD partners


New SEAD environment query

To register interest or general enquiries in adopting a new SEAD environment:

✉ New SEAD environment query 

Email template to register interest or enquire about a new SEAD environment

Existing SEAD partner system support request

For existing SEAD partners to report technical issues or request general system support:

Existing SEAD partner system support request

  1. Please consider carefully before attaching any potentially sensitive information, images, files or logs to emails. Do not attach any screen shots or copies of the data from within SEAD.
  2. ABS does not provide support with analysis, code errors or third-party analysis software.

Email template to report a system issue or request general support

Existing SEAD partner code or software request

For existing SEAD partners to request code, code packages or software be implemented in the system:

Existing SEAD partner code or software request

  1. Please consider carefully before attaching any potentially sensitive information, images, files or logs to emails. Do not attach any screen shots or copies of the data from within SEAD.
  2. ABS does not provide support with analysis, code errors or third-party analysis software.
  3. Any new software requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Code and package requests may take up to 3-5 business days to be actioned. 

Email template for requesting code or software

All other queries

If you are a researcher using an existing SEADpod and want to enquire about data access, account resets, input or output clearance, training or general enquiries, please contact your organisation's SEAD administrators.

For all other enquiries, please contact the ABS via email at This email account is monitored and we will respond to your query during standard business hours (AEST), Monday to Friday.

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