The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has a long history of providing trusted official statistics to inform decisions on matters of importance to Australia. However, with an accelerating pace of change, the context in which we operate and expectations of the organisation are being redrawn.
Over the next five years, the ABS is implementing a wide reaching transformation program. Australian Government investment of $257 million to modernise our infrastructure provides the foundation for the ABS to transform for the future.
The transformation will enable us to exploit new opportunities and better meet the needs of users, with enhanced capability to extract greater value from all available data.
Transformation is key to achieving our vision of unleashing the power of statistics for a better Australia. The ABS transformation agenda is articulated in the ABS Corporate Plan 2015-2019.
This Information Paper is the first of a series of papers that will be progressively released throughout the five year transformation journey, highlighting areas of focus for the transformation; articulating the benefits for users of statistics; and outlining opportunities for input through consultation.
We are excited about our transformation, what this will mean for data providers and users of statistics, and we are looking forward to engaging with our stakeholders to ensure a successful transformation.
David W. Kalisch
Australian Statistician
February 2016