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Media release –

A reward for your Census

18 June 2012 | VIC/41

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is thanking Australia for participating in the 2011 Census of Population and Housing ahead of this Thursday’s release of the first Census results.

Victorian Census Director, Sam Thomas, said everyone in Victoria should feel proud to have contributed to something so important for the nation’s future.

“Australia is known as an international leader in Census taking and a lot of that comes down to the great support we receive in communities,” Mr Thomas said.

“From the centre of Sydney to the corners of Kalgoorlie, people realise the value of the Census and its role informing planning, services and infrastructure in their area.

“We’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who took part for helping make this Census such a great success,” Mr Thomas said.

Mr Thomas also encouraged people to make use of the data when it becomes available.

“From Thursday 21 June, 2011 Census data will be available to everyone for free on the ABS website.

“Census data isn’t just for Government – charities, community organisations, schools and universities, religious groups, businesses of all sizes and individuals all make use of Census data every day.

“Census data is Australia’s richest source of statistical information and provides a comprehensive snapshot of the nation and all areas within it,” he said.

Data from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing will be available on the ABS website from 11.30am on 21 June 2012.Visit

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