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Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Dollar Values

This data quality statement applies to
Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Dollar Values (MRED), Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Ranges (MRERD)

Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Dollar Values (MRED, MRERD)

This variable records the amount of money spent monthly on mortgage repayments by a household to purchase the dwelling in which they were enumerated on Census Night.

The question relating to Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Dollar Values (MRED) was first asked for the 1976 Census. In 2006, this variable was referred to as 'Housing Loan Repayments (monthly)'. Further information on Census Topics 1911-2011, can be found in How Australia Takes a Census (cat. no. 2903.0).

The non-response rate for this variable was 5.3% (8.0% in 2006). More information is available from the 2011 Census non-response quality statement.

This data item is applicable to occupied private dwellings being purchased which represents 29.8% of all occupied private dwellings. If housing loan repayment responses are recorded as weekly or fortnightly amounts they are derived to a monthly figure. A change was made for 2011 whereby MRED was set to zero for dwellings being purchased where the 'Nil payments' box was marked - in 2006, this was treated as not stated.

Household payments data is automatically captured from numeric text responses. This process is subject to some recognition error, particularly when responses incorrectly include cents and the decimal point is missing or unclear. All responses ending in '00' were checked for recognition error, as were other unlikely values. While the data is subject to normal sample checks to ensure an acceptable level of quality, numeric responses are accepted as reported.

Ranged data is also available from the variable Mortgage Repayments (monthly) ranges.

More information on MRED is also available in the 2011 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0).

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Household / Dwelling

2011 Census Dictionary

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