Equivalised Total Household Income
Equivalised Total Household Income (HIED)This variable is created by summing the personal incomes reported by all household members aged 15 years and over and applying a weighting according to the 'modified OECD' equivalence scale. The equivalence factor is built up by allocating points to each person in a household (1 point to the first adult, 0.5 points to each additional person who is 15 years and over, and 0.3 to each child under the age of 15) and then summing the equivalence points of all household members. As personal income is collected in ranges, median values are assigned to each range using data from the Survey of Income and Housing. Households where all or at least one member aged 15 and over did not state an income are set to 'All incomes not stated' and 'Partial income stated' respectively. Households where at least one member aged 15 and over was temporarily absent on Census Night are also set to 'Partial incomes stated'. The total household non-response rate for this variable in the 2011 Census was 2.6%. A further 7.5% of households recorded a partial response for Total Equivalised Household Income. More information is available from the 2011 Census non-response quality statement. For more information, see the data quality statements for Household Composition (HHCD) and Total Personal Income (weekly) (INCP). More information on Equivalised Total Household Income (HIED) is available in the 2011 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0). Back to Household/Dwelling classification |