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SEIFA – Setting up your analysis

How do I match SEIFA to my data?

First, ensure that the SEIFA geographic areas match the geography areas of your data set. For example, if your analysis uses SA1s then use the SEIFA index for SA1s. Use the smallest area that your data set allows, preferably SA1s (or CDs for earlier releases of SEIFA).

Always check the geographic standard (ASGC or ASGS) and edition (which year) used in the collection of your data, as differences can substantially affect comparisons.

Also, match (as closely as possible) the time of your data collection with the year the SEIFA data was collected. For example, if your survey was undertaken in 2006, then use the 2006 SEIFA as this was based on data collected in the 2006 Census.

In practice, you will rarely be able to perfectly match the timing of the data collection and the geographic boundaries between SEIFA and your dataset.

For how many years are SEIFA indexes available?

A type of socio-economic disadvantage measure was first produced using information from the 1971 Census. In their present form, the indexes were first produced in 1990 (using 1986 Census data). Later indexes have been produced in 1994 (1991 Census), 1998 (1996 Census), 2003 (2001 Census) and 2008 (2006 Census). The indexes from 1986 onwards are available on the ABS website.

What information was used to construct SEIFA?

Measures deemed to represent different aspects of relative socio-economic disadvantage and advantage were considered for inclusion in the indexes. The data items were sourced only from the Census.


SEIFA 2011

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Help & FAQs

  • Setting up your analysis

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