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Media release –
New South Wales

Local governments count on the Census

1 August 2011 | NSW/93

Today's start of NSW Local Government Week is a good time to reflect on the important role that the upcoming Census on Tuesday, 9 August will play in providing Councils with accurate information to plan for the future needs of their community.

NSW Census Director Mark Harding says it is critical that every person is accurately counted in this year’s Census so local governments can plan community services and local infrastructure.

"Councils play an important role in maintaining the wellbeing of their communities by delivering a range of services to their residents, Mr Harding says.

"Census information is used to help plan these services that locals use every day, from roads and transport to leisure centres, child care facilities and aged services.”

Mr Harding says that Census information is not only used by local governments for a range of planning purposes, it also plays a critical role in their funding.

“Population estimates based on Census data are used to determine the allocation of around $45 billion worth of funding to the states and territories.

“In the 2010-11 budget, more than $4,000 per person was given to the states and territories using Census data.”

Mr Harding adds that the Census enjoys strong support from local governments throughout NSW.

"We've been working with Mayors and Councillors across the state for more than two years to promote the Census to the communities that they represent.”

"Some of our strongest supporters are the council members that have joined the Census team because they are passionate about the importance of the Census in the planning and development of their area.”

More information is available online at or by calling the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 338 776

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