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Media release –
New South Wales

Census Collectors hit the streets of Gundagai

29 July 2011 | NSW/86

Eight Census Collectors will hit the streets of Gundagai today to deliver Census forms to every home and farm and ensure every person is accurately counted on Census night, Tuesday, 9 August.

Local Census Collector Rebecca (Bec) Martin works at Gundagai Shire Council as an accountant and knows first-hand the importance of getting an accurate Census count.

"Funds that come our way from state and federal agencies are often determined by Census data so obviously the Census is vitally important," Bec says.

"Being a small community makes it even more important to capture accurate information so that we can have access to facilities such as school, child care and aged care services."

Bec, who moved to town eight years ago, jumped at the opportunity to work as a Census Collector and give back her community.

"I love living in a small town and Gundagai suits me fine. It's a close knit community, very friendly and many locals know me through the Council," Bec adds.

"As I'm quite new to the area, I thought that working on the Census would be a good way to get out and about and meet more locals.

"I'll be delivering forms in an urban area and in the northern part of town. I'll particularly be focussing on making sure we count every business owner living adjacent to their shop.

"I want to ensure that everyone participates so we get an accurate snapshot of the Gundagai community," Bec says.

More information is available online at or by calling the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 338 776

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