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Media release –
New South Wales

50 Census Collectors hit the streets of Dubbo

29 July 2011 | NSW/76

50 Census Collectors will hit the streets and roads of Dubbo today to deliver Census forms to every home, farm, hotel and caravan site in the region to ensure every person is accurately counted on Census night, Tuesday, 9 August.

First time Census Collector from Dubbo, Wayne Williams, is looking forward to participating in this important operation.

“As a first time Collector, I was unsure of what to expect when I applied. However, after attending Census training I felt a real sense of purpose and realised the importance of the Census and the task at hand.”

After 25 years working in the agriculture business with Elders, most recently as District Finance Manager, Wayne has witnessed the transformation of Dubbo.

“Dubbo’s population has really boomed and it now spreads across a much wider area.

"The city has become a regional service centre for smaller towns throughout Western NSW, attracting a lot of retirees from the outlying areas who need medical services and other facilities.

"The Census allows us to capture this change and plan for the future needs of everyone who lives in Dubbo," Wayne says.

Information collected in the Census help governments, businesses and communities plan important infrastructure and services.

“Accurate Census figures are not only important for governments. Private investors also look at our figures. Census information is used to attract new business and industry to Dubbo," Wayne adds.

More information is available online at or by calling the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 338 776

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