Product |
Known error or issue |
Proposed action |
Date corrected |
2006 QuickStats |
Where suburbs in the same state or territory have the same name, the QuickStat is only available for one of them. |
Duplicate suburbs within the same state/territory are all available. |
20/03/2014 |
Online |
An error exists in the following tables when using the percentage function:
Gross Individual Income by Sex
Highest Year of School Obtained by Indigenous Status
Country of Birth of Person by Year of Arrival in Australia
Proficiency in Spoken English by Year of Arrival in Australia
Unpaid Domestic Work by Number of Hours by Sex
Unpaid Domestic Work by Indigenous Status
Mortgage Repayments by Dwelling Structure
Type of Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure
Gross Individual Income by Indigenous Status.
In these tables, the totals are being incorrectly included in the calculation of percentages, affecting the accuracy of the percentages.
In these tables, the icon is missing from one or more of the classifications preventing users from manipulating the inclusion of totals in the table, thus preventing them from obtaining the correct percentages. |
The ABS is currently investigating a permanent solution to this issue.
In the meantime, users can obtain correct percentages in effected tables by moving the classification/s with the missing icon to the recycle bin and re-adding it via the Customised Table tab. |
No correction
date at this stage. |
All products |
In 2006, there were 1,755 persons who were recorded as speaking an Indigenous language at home but whose birthplace (BPLP) was recorded as being in a country other than Australia. A small number of these were genuinely reported (that is 10 persons born in Papua New Guinea, 13 persons born in England). However, the majority of these instances are the result of errors introduced during automated coding of languages which were subsequently not identified in the quality assurance procedures.
In the 2001 Census, 201 persons were recorded as speaking an Indigenous language at home but whose birthplace (BPLP) was recorded as being a country other than Australia.
For more information refer to the quality statement for Language in the Census Dictionary 2006 (cat. no. 2901.0). |
Tables containing Language Spoken at Home (LANP). |
No correction
date at this stage. |
Tables containing dwelling structure information for Tweed Shire LGA in NSW (CD Number 1070317) |
There were 494 persons counted in a Dwelling Location (DLOD) of Manufactured Home Estate, which were mistakenly coded to a Dwelling Structure (STRD) of Improvised Home, tent, sleepers out. The most likely correct STRD coding for these persons would have been Separate House. |
Tables most affected are those separately displaying the improvised dwellings structure. |
No correction
date at this stage. |
2006 Victorian UCL SOS range 5000-9999 |
The 2006 Victorian UCLs which should have fallen into the 2006 SOS range 5000-9999 were incorrectly classified.
As a result of the incorrect classification the 2006 Section of State Range 5000-9999 is not available in any output products. |
A list of affected areas is available on request
For more information please email |
NA |
2006 Time Series Profile Table T10 (Language Spoken At Home By Sex For Time Series) |
The item 'Tagalog (includes Filipino)' for 2006 should consist of LANP codes 6511 - Tagalog and 6512 - Filipino, but only includes code 6511. Code 6512 - Filipino has been incorrectly allocated to the 'Other(d)' category. This affects approximately 39,000 people at the Australia level. This also affects the Census table (enumeration basis) based on the Time Series Profiles. |
The equivalent Census Table (Usual Residence basis) is NOT affected.
No further action has been scheduled. |
NA |
2006 Time Series Profile, table T22c
Non-School qualification: Level of Education by Age by Sex for Time Series (page 3 of 3 - Totals) |
'2006 Census Persons' data is shown in row 47 (Certificate), when it should be in row 46 (Advanced Diploma and Diploma). |
No further action has been scheduled for this issue. |
NA |
2006 Census Table C22 "Age (Full classification list) by Sex" |
Data in the 100 to 115 age groups has been amalgamated. No other data is affected. |
The table has been re-formated, data for ages over 100 has been summed and the look and feel of the table has been improved. |
06/09/2008 |
2006 Basic Community Profile Table B38 and Table B36;
Census Table (B38),
and Mapstat QM71 |
An error has been located which affects the following products:
BCP - tables B36 (Selected characteristics-Migration) and B38 (Place of usual residence 5 years ago by sex);
Census tables - Place of usual residence five years ago by sex (B38),
Mapstats - Proportion of people living at same address as five years ago.(QM71) |
B38 incorrectly includes 2,850 people, for all of Australia, who indicated at Q10 on the Census household form that their usual address at 8 August 2001 (address 5years ago) was the same as Q9 (address 1 year ago), but who then failed to respond to Q9.
These people have been counted as living at a different usual address in 2001 from their usual address in 2006.
Impact down to SLA level is negligible. |
replacement tables
will be supplied on request. |
2006 Time Series Profile and
equivalent individual Time Series Census Tables (based on location on Census night) |
For 2001 and 1996 NT CD 7030502 was originally incorrectly concorded to SLA 710251609 Groote Eylandt and LGA 79399 Unincorporated NT. It should have been concorded to SLA 710250330 Angurugu and LGA 70330.
This error only affects the figures in the 2001 and 1996 data in 2006 Time Series products for the above 2 SLAs and LGAs. No other geographic areas are affected.
For 2001 Qld CD 3010108 has been concorded to SLA 350103840 Iama (Indigenous community). This is the appropriate SLA. However, this CD has not been concorded to the matching LGA 33840. It has been incorrectly concorded to LGA 36950 Torres. The 2001 data for these LGAs on the web are incorrect.
No other geographic areas are affected. |
The corrected data is available on request, free of charge, from the ABS National Information and Referral Service (NIRS) on 1300 135 070 or email |
NA |
2006 Census Table B28 |
Census Table B28, 'Gross Household Income (Weekly) by Household Composition', at the State Suburb geographic level, contains no data.
No other geographic levels or tables are affected. |
Table is being corrected and will be updated on the web site on: 2 April 2008. |
02/04/2008 |
2006 QuickStats |
An error has been discovered in all QuickStats where:
- 'Maori' appears as one of the top 5 responses for 'Languages Spoken at Home'
- 'Industry of Employment' where 'Professional, Scientific and Technical Services' or 'Adult, Community and Other Education' appears as one of the top 5 responses.
The errors occur in the Australia data column only; the data for the chosen area is correct.
The error occurs because there are two variables each for 'Maori', 'Professional, Scientific and Technical Services', and 'Adult, Community and Other Education'. In the Australia column, the values for both variables are displayed. |
The corrected QuickStats will be re-issued to the ABS website on 2 April 2008. |
02/04/2008 |
2006 Basic Community Profile (BCP) table B02 |
An error has been discovered with the data for Average Household size (cell B116 in the Data Packs product and 2006 Basic Community Profile), the data is not formatted as a decimal for geographic levels:
- Postal Area (POA)
- Commonwealth Electoral Division 2004 (CED)
- State Electoral Division (SED)
- Statistical District (SDI)
- Statistical Region Sector (SRS)
The correct data can be found in the Quick Stats. |
The corrected Basic Community Profile will be re-issued to the ABS website on 29th February 2008. |
29/02/2008 |
2006 Place of Enumeration Profile (PEP) table P43 |
An error has been identified within the PEP table P43, some data has been populated into the incorrect cells. |
The corrected Place of Enumeration Profile will be re-issued to the ABS website on 29th February 2008. |
29/02/2008 |
2006 Time Series Tables and 2006 Time Series Profile for the geographic area of Sydney Major Statistical Region (MSR) |
An error exists in the concorded recode for usual residence and enumeration NSW MSR for the 2001 data. In the 2001 figures the Illawarra Collection Districts (CD) counts have been included in 'Sydney' rather than in 'Balance of NSW'.
The correct concorded 2001 totals for these areas are:
Usual Residence
- Sydney - 3,949,989
- Balance of NSW - 2,320,792
- Sydney - 3,997,321
- Balance of NSW - 2,374,424
No action has been scheduled to correct this issue. |
2006 Basic Community Profile table B01 and
2006 Indigenous Profile table I01 |
The footnote "(a) Data are based on place of enumeration." is incorrect in both tables. The data is actually based on place of usual residence (UR).
Using Usual Residence (UR) areas vs Enumeration (EN) Areas:
Counted at Home on Census Night: Persons who usually reside in an area who were counted at home on Census Night is included in this count - this count will be the same if using either UR or EN.
Persons Elsewhere in Australia: Usual Residence counts will give you results for persons who usually reside in the selected area but were elsewhere in Australia on Census Night. If using EN counts the data is only counting visitors to the selected area on Census night which conceptually for UR profiles (i.e BCP and IP) is incorrect as we exclude visitors for Usual Resident counts. |
The data in these tables are correct but the footnote is not. A decision on when these tables will be re-issued is pending. |
2006 Basic Community Profile, Table B22 |
Table B22 "Relationship in Household by Age by Sex" for Western Australian at Census Collection District (CD) level contains zero data. |
Table is being corrected and will be updated on the web site on:27 November 2007. |
27/11/2007 |
2006 Indigenous Profile |
An error has been identified in the Indigenous Profile at the Statistical Local Area (SLA) geography. Second release data for these profiles was omitted. |
Second release data for this geography will be included in the Census data web site release on: 27 November 2007. |
27/11/2007 |
2006 Census Table C23 |
Census Table "Ancestry (full classification list) by Sex" (C23)
is being reissued at the NSW State Suburb (SSC) geographic level because the table contained zero data. |
Table is being corrected and will be re-published to the web on: 27 November 2007. |
27/11/2007 |
2006 Census Table C50 and
2006 Basic Community Profile Table B38 |
An error has been identified in Census Table "Place of Usual Residence 5 years Ago by Age by Sex" (C50).
The net effect is that at the Australia level 301,196 persons are appearing in "Same usual address 5 years ago as in 2006" when they should be in the category below "Different usual address 5 years ago: Same SLA". |
Tables and Profiles are being corrected and will be re-published to the web on: 27 November 2007. |
27/11/2007 |
2006 Country of Birth of Person (BPLP) labelling |
There is an error with the label for code 6101 China (excludes SARs and Taiwan Province) this should read 6101 China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) as according to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), Second Edition. |
No action has been scheduled to correct this issue as the 2011 time series (due for release late 2012) will be updated. |
NA |