Film Television & Digital Games

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    Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)


The Film, Television and Digital Games Survey is a semi-regular collection of financial, employment and production activity data from Australian businesses/organisations whose main activity is film and video production or post-production, television broadcasting or channel provision, or digital game development. This is the first iteration of the collection in this format, although some content has been collection in various collections beginning in the 1993/1994 financial year. Key financial and employment data items are output at state level.

    The purpose of this collection is to measure the finances (income and expenses), characteristics (size and structure) and output (production activity) of businesses/organisations in the film, television and digital game development industries in Australia. The collection produces both broad economic measures and performance indicators to quantify the overall contribution of these industries to the Australian economy, as well as detailed data describing the activities taking place within these industries. The information will be used by government policy makers, particularly the relevant national government body Screen Australia, to assist in policy formulation and review, as well as by private sector analysts.

The collection scope is businesses and organisations involved in film and video production and post-production services, television broadcasting and digital game development.

The scope of the survey includes:

- all employing and significant non-employing businesses mainly engaged in film and video production and post-production services (classes 5511 Motion Picture and Video Production and 5514 Post-Production Services and Other Motion Picture and Video Activities).

- all Australian businesses/organisations mainly engaged in providing television broadcasting services (subset of classes 5621 Free-To-Air Television Broadcasting and 5622 Cable and Other Subscription Broadcasting and an industry defined list of channel providers)

- all Australian businesses that generated income predominately from the development of digital games for a range of formats including consoles, handheld consoles, mobile platforms, PC and Mac (list compiled using association and industry lists, and additional research)

The statistical unit used to report businesses and organisations is the ABN for ATO maintained units, or the TAU for units selected from the ABS profiled population.


    Conceptual framework

    • Not applicable

    Main outputs
    Results from the survey will be published in 8679.0 - Film, Television and Digital Games, Australia, 2011-12

    Outputs will include:
    • summary of operations and economic indicators
    • detailed sources of income
    • detailed items of expenditure
    • characteristics of employment (employee type by sex)
    • main occupation of persons employed
    • selected statistics by employment size groupings
    • production activity data (digital games, television, other film and video, online video)
    • state breakdowns of wages, employees and income

    The most recent results were released in the following publications:
  • 8679.0 - Television, Film and Video Production and Post-Production Services, Australia, 2006-07 
  • 8515.0 - Digital Game Development Services, Australia, 2006-07

    The primary industry classification used is the Australian and New Zealand Industrial Classification (ANZSIC).

    Scope classifications

    The scope of the collection is defined at ANZSIC class level (5511,5514,5621,5622) with some supplementation from industry listings. As there is no ANZSIC class specifically for the Digital Games Development industry, these businesses were defined based on industry research and lists obtained from industry bodies. Similarly, the scope of 5621 and 5621 were significantly reduced based on confrontation against listings from industry regulatory bodies to exclude businesses not engaged in either television broadcasting services or television channel provision.
      Output classifications

      The lowest level of output classification is as follows:

      ANZSIC 5511
      - Motion picture and video production
      ANZSIC 5514
      - Post-production services
      ANZSIC 5621
      - Free-to-Air Television Broadcasting
      ANZSIC 5622
      - Subscription Television Broadcasters
      - Subscription Television Channel Providers
      - Digital Game Developers

      Other concepts (summary)

      New South Wales
      South Australia
      Western Australia
      Northern Territory

      Comments and/or Other Regions
      In previous collections the smaller states (ie all but NSW, Vic, Qld) have sometimes been collapsed together due to confidentiality restrictions. This is particularly likely in regards to the Digital Games population, but this decision will have to be made during the output phase.

      3 Yearly

      Frequency comments
      Previously this survey has been run every 3-5 years in various forms. Pending the availability of client funding, the current expectation is to repeat this collection on a 3-yearly basis going forward.


      This collection merges several previous collections, all most recently run in 2006-07:

      1) Film and Video Production and Post-Production Services Survey (4 previous cycles under two collections Film and Video Production and Distribution Services and Film and Video Production Services and Post-Production Services)
      2) Television Services survey (4 previous cycles under 2 collections Radio and Television Services and Television Services)
      3) Digital Game Development Services Survey (1 previous cycles under one collection Digital Game Development Services)

      Timeline of comparable output:
      1993/1994 - Film and Video Production and Distribution Services publication first produced. Radio and Television Services first produced.
      1996/1997 - No change.
      2002/2003 - Television, Film and Video Production produced, integrating two previous collections. Distribution services and Radio services removed from scope.
      2006/2007 - Television, Film and Video Production and Post-Production Services produced, reflecting change to ANZSIC classifications allowing post-production services to be identified separately to production services, though no significant change to scope. Digital Game Development Services first collected, and published as stand-alone datacubes.
      2011/2012 - Film, Television and Digital Games first produced, fully integrating Digital Game Development industry into collection. All industries surveyed using single form, widening the scope of some data items previously collected on per-industry basis.


      Data availability comments
      - Publication is to be produced on a triennial basis
      - Data will be published in June 2013 (approximate 11 month lag)

      08/06/2017 11:54 AM