Inventories, Sales and Services (Survey of)

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    Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)


The Survey of Inventories, Sales and Services is a quarterly survey which collects information on the book value of inventories, and income from the sale of goods and services, from private businesses in selected industries in Australia. Private households and public sector businesses (ie, all departments, authorities and other organisations owned or controlled by Commonwealth, State or Local Government) are outside the scope of the survey. Data is published at the industry division level, and at the sub-division level for Manufacturing.

      This survey provides key measures on the performance of Australian industry, and is an important component in the compilation of quarterly National Accounts. The data are used to compile estimates of the increase in book value of non-farm inventories, and to help derive quarterly chain volume measures of gross value added for selected industries. The data is also used by analysts in the private and public sectors.


The scope includes all private businesses in Australia. Public sector business units (i.e. all departments, authorities and other organisations owned and/or controlled by Commonwealth, State and Local Governments) are excluded.
The Survey of Inventories, Sales and Services includes the following industries classified according to the Australian and New Zealand.

The scope of the survey for the collection of inventories, sales of goods manufactured and income from the sales of goods and services includes the following industries classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 1993:

IndustriesInventoriesSales of goods Income from sales of goods and services
Mining (Division B)x
Manufacturing (Division C)xxx
Electricity and gas supply (36)x
Wholesale Trade (Division F)xx
Retail Trade (Division G)
Food (51)
Personal and household goods (52)
Motor vehicle retailing (531)
Automotive fuel retailing (5321)
Automotive electrical services (5322)
Smash repairs (5323)
Tyre retailing (5324)
Automotive repair and services nec. (5239)

Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants (Division H)
Accommodation (571)
Pubs, Taverns and Bars (572)
Cafes and Restaurants (573)
Clubs (Hospitality) (574)
Transport and Storage (Division I)x
Communication Services (Division J)x
Property and Business Services (Division L) x
Cultural and Recreational Services (Division P) excluding: Libraries (921), Museums (922) and Parks and gardens (923)x
Personal Services (95) excluding:
Video Hire outlets (9511) and Hairdressing and beauty salons (9526)


      Conceptual framework

        Standard ABS integrated economic statistics framework. The survey, like most ABS economic collections, takes its frame from the ABS Business Register which is primarily based on registrations to the Australian Taxation Office's Group employer scheme.

      Main outputs

        Original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates for inventories, and sales (Manufacturing and Wholesale Trade) are released in current price and chain volume measures. For publication purposes, inventories data are disaggregated by broad industry (Mining, Manufacturing, Wholesale, Retail and Other Selected Industries) and ANZSIC Manufacturing subdivisions. Experimental estimates for income from sales of goods and services for other selected industries are also published.

        The industry classification used is the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC). Data is published at the industry division level, and at the sub-division level for Manufacturing.

      Other concepts (summary)
    The Survey of Inventories, Sales and Services used standard ABS data items.

    Income from the sales of goods and services includes income from sales of goods by the business and income from services provided such as commission income, repair and service income and fees, management fees, rent leasing and hiring income, delivery and installation charges, income from consulting services, sponsorship income, membership/subscription fees and royalties income.

    Inventories includes all inventories of material etc, work in progress and finished goods owned by the business, whether held at locations of the business or elsewhere.

      1. National & State/Territory\1.01 Australia

      Comments and/or Other Regions


        Frequency comments
        Not applicable


          1947 Commencement of the Survey of Stocks. Although collected half yearly, they were part of a collection known as the 'Quarterly Business Surveys' and were designed to provide indicators of short term movements in stocks for use in national income estimates.

          1973 Survey of Stocks becomes an integrated economic collection adopting standard units rules and the 1969 version of the Australian Standard Industrial Classification (ASIC).

          1989 Introduction of new statistical unit called the management unit.

          1994 ASIC replaced by the Australian and New Zealand Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) as the basis for compilation of industry statistics.

          1996 Survey frames and samples revised quarterly (previously these were revised annually) to ensure samples are more representative of the business population

          1997 Adjustment of estimates to allow for lags in processing new businesses to the ABS business register, and the omission of some businesses from the business register

          1999 Survey scope expanded to include collection of income from sales of goods and services from a number of service industries - national data was published on an experimental basis from June quarter 2000.

          Survey renamed to Survey of Inventories, Sales and Services . The term "stocks" was replaced with "inventories" to be consistent with treatment in the National Accounts

          Collection of manufacturers' expected sales ceased and clients referred to ABS Business Expectations Survey as the source for expectations data.

          2001 From March quarter 2001, the Manufacturers' sales series will be replaced by a new series comprising total income from the sales of goods and services for the manufacturing industry.


        Data availability comments

        30/04/2001 05:15 PM