Statistics by Topic


A Supply and Use Model for Editing the Quarterly National Accounts, Australia, Research Paper, 2006 (cat no. 5258.0)
A Directory of Education and Training Statistics, 2009 (cat no. 1136.0)
Ageing Well, Queensland, 2005 (cat no. 4409.3)
Alternative Measures of Income and Saving, Sep 2003 (cat no. 5224.0)
Annual and Long-Service Leave Taken, Australia, May 1988 to Apr 1989 (cat no. 6317.0)
Australia at a Glance, 2008 (cat no. 1309.0)
Australian Capital Territory at a Glance, 2007 (cat no. 1314.8)
Australian Capital Territory in Focus, 2007 (cat no. 1307.8)
Australian Capital Territory Statistical Indicators, Sep 2003 (cat no. 1367.8)
Australian Economic Indicators, Jul 2012 (cat no. 1350.0)
Australian Industry, 2018-19 (cat no. 8155.0)
Australian Labour Market Statistics, July 2014 (cat no. 6105.0)
Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Main Tables, 1996-97 (cat no. 5204.0.40.002)
Australian National Accounts: Non-Profit Institutions Satellite Account, 2012-13 (cat no. 5256.0)
Australian National Accounts: Quarterly Data on Floppy Disk, Dec 1996 (cat no. 5228.0)
Australian National Accounts: Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth, 2003-04 to 2017-18 (cat no. 5204.0.55.011)
Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Jun 2020 (cat no. 5206.0)
Australian National Accounts: Quarterly State Details, Mar 2001 (cat no. 5206.0.40.001)
Australian Social Trends, 2014 (cat no. 4102.0)
Australian System of National Accounts, 2018-19 (cat no. 5204.0)
Australian System of National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2020-21 (cat no. 5216.0)
Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, May 2020 (cat no. 6302.0)
Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, Preliminary, Nov 2000 (cat no. 6301.0)
Baby Boomers in Queensland: A Profile of Persons Born 1946-1965, 2005 (cat no. 4149.3)
Business Operations and Industry Performance, Australia, 2000-01 (cat no. 8140.0)
Business Operations and Industry Performance, Australia, Preliminary, 2000-01 (cat no. 8142.0)
Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade at the 2-Digit SITC (Rev 3) Level, on Floppy Disk, Mar 2002 (cat no. 5204.0.15.002)
Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade at the 2-Digit SITC (Rev 3) Level, on Spreadsheet via Electronic Delivery, Mar 2004 (cat no. 5204.0.55.002)
Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade on a Balance of Payments Basis -- Electronic Delivery, Mar 2004 (cat no. 5204.0.55.001)
Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Deflators of Recorded Trade on a Balance of Payments basis, on Floppy Disk, Mar 2002 (cat no. 5204.0.15.001)
Data by Region, 2014-19 (cat no. 1410.0)
Directory of Industrial Relations Statistics, Jul 1996 (cat no. 1134.0)
Discussion Paper: Measuring a Knowledge-based Economy and Society - An Australian Framework, Aug 2002 (cat no. 1375.0)
Economic measurement during COVID-19: Selected issues in the Economic Accounts, May 2020 (cat no. 5261.0)
Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2018 (cat no. 6306.0)
Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, Preliminary, August 2008 (cat no. 6305.0.55.001)
Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, Preliminary, May 2002 (cat no. 6305.0)
Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia, August 2013 (cat no. 6310.0)
Employment and Earnings, Public Sector, Australia, 2018-19 (cat no. 6248.0.55.002)
Experimental Estimates, Australian Industry, A State Perspective, 1999-2000 (cat no. 8156.0)
General Social Survey, Australian Capital Territory, 2006 (cat no. 4159.8.55.001)
General Social Survey, New South Wales, 2006 (cat no. 4159.1.55.001)
General Social Survey, Northern Territory, 2006 (cat no. 4159.7.55.001)
General Social Survey, Queensland, 2006 (cat no. 4159.3.55.001)
General Social Survey, South Australia, 2006 (cat no. 4159.4.55.001)
General Social Survey, Tasmania, 2006 (cat no. 4159.6.55.001)
General Social Survey, Victoria, 2006 (cat no. 4159.2.55.001)
General Social Survey, Western Australia, 2006 (cat no. 4159.5.55.001)
General Social Survey: Data Reference Package, 2002 (cat no. 4159.0.55.001)
General Social Survey: States and Territories, 2010 (cat no. 4159.0.55.003)
General Social Survey: Summary Results, Australia, 2002 (cat no. 4159.0.55.006)
General Social Survey: User Guide, Australia, 2014 (cat no. 4159.0.55.002)
Generosity of Australian Businesses, 2000-01 (cat no. 8157.0)
In fACT - Statistical Information on the ACT and Region, Feb 2011 (cat no. 1308.8)
Industry Concentration Statistics, 1998-99 (cat no. 8140.0.40.001)
Industry Concentration Statistics, 2000-01 (cat no. 8140.0.55.001)
Information Paper: ABS Labour Market Statistics, Australia, 2003 (cat no. 6106.0.55.001)
Information Paper: An Analytical Framework for Price Indexes in Australia, 1997 (cat no. 6421.0)
Information Paper: Australian National Accounts, Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth, 2009-10 (cat no. 5204.0.55.009)
Information Paper: Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, Changes to Time Series Spreadsheets, Feb 2005 (cat no. 6308.0)
Information Paper: Changes to ABS Measures of Employee Remuneration, 2006 (cat no. 6313.0)
Information Paper: Changes to Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, Apr 2012 (cat no. 6302.0.55.002)
Information Paper: Changes to Spreadsheets for the Quarterly Australian National Accounts, Mar 2006 (cat no. 5206.0.55.001)
Information Paper: Construction of Experimental Statistics on Employee Earnings and Jobs from Administrative Data, Australia, 2011-12 (cat no. 6311.0)
Information Paper: Implementing New Estimates of Hours Worked into the Australian National Accounts, 2006 (cat no. 5204.0.55.003)
Information paper: Outcomes of the Labour Household Surveys Content Review, 2012 (cat no. 6107.0)
Information Paper: Price Index of Domestic Final Purchases, Australia, 2001 (cat no. 6428.0)
Information Paper: Quality Dimensions of the Australian National Accounts, 2007 (cat no. 5216.0.55.002)
Information Paper: Release of Average Weekly Cash Earnings Series, May 2011 (cat no. 6302.0.55.003)
Information Paper: Rental Tenants Survey, Basic CURF, Australia, Apr 1994 (cat no. 4138.0.25.001)
Information Paper: Wage and Salary Earners, Public Sector, Australia, Changes to Time Series Spreadsheets, Mar 2005 (cat no. 6234.0)
Labour Account Australia, June 2020 (cat no. 6150.0.55.003)
Labour Costs, Australia, 2002-03 (cat no. 6348.0.55.001)
Labour Costs, Australia, 2015-16 (cat no. 6348.0)
Labour Statistics News, Aug 2010 (cat no. 6106.0)
Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2001 (cat no. 6102.0)
Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, Feb 2018 (cat no. 6102.0.55.001)
Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators, 2012 (cat no. 1370.0.55.001)
Measuring Wellbeing: Frameworks for Australian Social Statistics, 2001 (cat no. 4160.0)
Methods changes during the COVID-19 period, Jun 2020 (cat no. 1359.0)
Microdata: Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset with Social Security and Related Information, experimental statistics, 2006-2011 (cat no. 2085.0)
Microdata: Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia (cat no. 6306.0.55.001)
Microdata: Employee Earnings and Jobs, Australia, 2011-12 (cat no. 6311.0.55.001)
Microdata: General Social Survey, Australia, 2014 (cat no. 4159.0.30.004)
Microdata: General Social Survey, Basic CURF, Australia, 2006 (cat no. 4159.0.30.001)
Microdata: General Social Survey, CURF, Australia, 2010 (cat no. 4159.0.30.003)
Microdata: General Social Survey, Expanded CURF, Australia, 2006 (cat no. 4159.0.30.002)
Microdata: Jobs in Australia, JIA (cat no. 6160.0.00.001)
Microdata: Longitudinal Labour Force, Australia (cat no. 6602.0)
Monthly Summary of Statistics, Queensland, Jan 2003 (cat no. 1304.3)
Northern Territory at a Glance, 2011 (cat no. 1304.7)
NSW State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2010 (cat no. 1338.1)
Persons Aged Fifty Years and Over, Queensland, Oct 1998 (cat no. 4139.3)
Pocket Year Book, Australia, 2000 (cat no. 1302.0)
Population Survey Monitor, Nov 2000 (cat no. 4103.0)
Publications and Products Released in January 2002, Jan 2002 (cat no. 1102.0)
Queensland Key Statistics, May 2007 (cat no. 1388.3)
Queensland Pocket Year Book, 2001 (cat no. 1302.3)
Recent Developments in the Collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Welfare Statistics, 2005 (cat no. 4704.0.55.001)
Regional Indicators, South Australia, 1998 (cat no. 1314.4)
Regional Statistics, Australian Capital Territory, 1999 (Reissue) (cat no. 1313.8)
Regional Statistics, South Australia, 2004 (cat no. 1362.4)
Regional Statistics, Tasmania, 2007 (cat no. 1362.6)
Responsible Use of ABS Microdata, User Guide (cat no. 1406.0.55.003)
Retrenched Workers and Workers Who Accepted Redundancy Packages, Victoria, October 1993 (cat no. 6266.2)
SA Stats, Jun 2011 (cat no. 1345.4)
South Australia's Baby Boomers: A Profile, 2003 (cat no. 4149.4.55.001)
South Australia at a Glance, 2009 (cat no. 1306.4)
South Australian Economic Indicators, Mar 2005 (cat no. 1307.4)
South Australian Year Book, 1999 (cat no. 1301.4)
Spotlight on National Accounts, May 2014 (cat no. 5202.0)
Standards for Labour Force Statistics, 2018 (cat no. 1288.0)
Statistical News SA, Jun 2011 (cat no. 1392.0)
Statistical Trends, NSW, 2007 (cat no. 1338.1.55.001)
Statistics - Tasmania, 2008 (cat no. 1384.6)
StatSearch, A Reference Guide to Western Australian Statistics, 1998 (cat no. 1359.5)
Summary of Industry Performance, 2000-01 (cat no. 8142.0.55.002)
Summary of Industry Performance, 1998-99 (cat no. 8140.0.40.002)
Summary of Industry Performance, 2000-01 (cat no. 8140.0.55.002)
Superannuation, Australia, Nov 1995 (cat no. 6319.0)
Tasmania at a Glance, 2011 (cat no. 1305.6)
Tasmanian Key Indicators, Mar 2011 (cat no. 1304.6)
Tasmanian Pocket Year Book, 2002 (cat no. 1302.6)
Tasmanian Statistical Indicators, Jun 2004 (cat no. 1303.6)
Technical Manual: Employee Earnings and Hours, CURF, Australia, May 2010 (cat no. 6306.0.55.002)
The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Oct 2010 (cat no. 4704.0)
The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Summary Booklet, 2005 (cat no. 4704.0.55.002)
Trade Union Members, Australia, August 1996 (cat no. 6325.0)
Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy, 1997 (cat no. 5240.0)
Wage and Salary Earners, Public Sector, Australia, Jun 2003 (cat no. 6248.0)
Wage and Salary Earners, Public Sector, Australia, Jun 2007 (cat no. 6248.0.55.001)
Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 22 August 2020 (cat no. 6160.0.55.001)
Western Australia at a Glance, 2014 (cat no. 1306.5)
Year Book Australia on CD-ROM, 2006 (cat no. 1301.0.30.001)