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Families are classified in terms of the relationships that exist between a single family reference person and each other member of that family. The Family Type (FMTF) variable distinguishes between different types of families based on the presence or absence of couple relationships, parent-child relationships, child dependency relationships or other blood relationships, in that order of preference. FMTF is derived from people enumerated in the household who usually reside there, and who share a familial relationship. Partners and dependent children usually present but temporarily absent are also included in this derivation. Boarders and other non-family members are excluded. For the Census, FMTF relates only to the basic composition of the family. FMTF is the principal family variable used in family tabulations. When cross-classified with other variables, such as Location of Spouse (SPLF), Tenure Type (TEND), Dwelling Structure (STRD), Family Number (FNOF) and Family Income (FINF), demographic characteristics of the different family compositions can be established. Note: There is no provision for 'other related individuals' in second and third families. If more than three families are found in a household, only three families are separately classified and any other people are classified as either related family members or non-family members as appropriate. See also Family, Relationship Between Families (FRLF).