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Number of Motorbikes and Scooters (MCYCD) The Number of Motorbikes and Scooters (MCYCD) is a new variable for the 2001 Census. Motorbikes and motor scooters were previously excluded from vehicle counts. MCYCD identifies the number of registered motorbikes and motor scooters owned or used by household members, and garaged/parked at or near the private dwelling on Census Night. Similar to the classification Number of Motor Vehicles (VEHD), MCYCD data are used to help determine transport policies and priorities. MCYCD is also required for analysing and predicting motor cycle ownership patterns; indicating the availability of sources of transport other than public transport; providing a socioeconomic profile of the population, including population mobility. See also Dwelling, Household, Journey to Work (JTW), Method of Travel to Work (MTWP), Number of Motor Vehicles (VEHD).