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Quality Statement
Occupation is collected in the Census for all employed people aged 15 years and over. Two questions are used in the Census. The first of these asks for occupation title (in main job held in the week prior to Census Night). The second asks for the main tasks usually performed by the person in their occupation. Collecting both occupation title and task information ensures more accurate coding of occupations. More Detailed Description
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Applicable to: Employed persons
1 Managers and Administrators
2 Professionals
3 Associate Professionals
4 Tradespersons and Related Workers
5 Advanced Clerical and Service Workers
6 Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers
7 Intermediate Production and Transport Workers
8 Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers
9 Labourers and Related Workers
0998 Inadequately described
&&&& Not stated
@@@@ Not applicable
VVVV Overseas visitor
Total number of categories:
one digit level 9
two digit level 35
three digit level 81
four digit level 445
Not applicable (@@@@) category comprises:
Unemployed persons, looking for either full-time or part-time work
Persons not in the labour force
Persons with Labour Force Status/Status in Employment (LFSP) Not Stated
Persons aged under 15 years