Person variables | Release
AGEP | Age | First |
ANCP | Ancestry | First |
BPFP | Birthplace of Female Parent | First |
BPLP | Birthplace of Individual | First |
BPMP | Birthplace of Male Parent | First |
CDUCP | CD of Usual Residence Census Night | First |
CITP | Australian Citizenship | First |
COMP | Computer Use at Home | First |
CTPP | Child Type | First |
ENGP | Proficiency in Spoken English | First |
ENGP01 | Proficiency in Spoken English/Language | First |
GNGP | Industry Sector | Second |
HRSP | Hours Worked | Second |
HSCP | Highest Level of Schooling Completed | First |
INCP | Individual Income (weekly) | First |
INDP | Industry of Employment | Second |
INGP | Indigenous Status | First |
JTWDZNP | Journey to Work: Destination Zone | Second |
JTWSAP | Journey to Work: Study Area | Second |
LANP | Language Spoken at Home | First |
LFSP | Labour Force Status/Status in Employment | Second |
MDCP | Social Marital Status | Second |
MSTP | Registered Marital Status | First |
MTWP | Method of Travel to Work | Second |
NETP | Internet Use | First |
OCCP | Occupation | Second |
POCUCP | Postal Area of Usual Address Census Night | Second |
QALFP | Non-School Qualification: Field of Study | Second |
QALLP | Non-School Qualification: Level of Education | Second |
QALYP | Non-School Qualification: Year Completed | Second |
RELP | Religious Affiliation | First |
RLHP | Relationship in Household | First |
RLNP | Residential Status in a Non-Private Dwelling | First |
RPIP | Family/Household Reference Person Indicator | First |
SEXP | Sex | First |
SLAUCP | SLA of Usual Residence Census Night | First |
SLAU1P | SLA of Usual Residence One Year Ago | Second |
SLAU5P | SLA of Usual Residence Five Years Ago | Second |
STEUCP | State of Usual Residence Census Night | First |
STEU1P | State of Usual Residence One Year Ago | Second |
STEU5P | State of Usual Residence Five Years Ago | Second |
STUP | Full/Part-Time Student Status | First |
TYPP | Type of Educational Institution Attending | First |
UAICP | Usual Address Indicator Census Night | First |
UAI1P | Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator | Second |
UAI5P | Usual Address Five Years Ago Indicator | Second |
YARP | Year of Arrival in Australia | First |
|  |  |
Household/Dwelling variables | Release
BEDD | Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwellings | First |
CPAD | Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Household | First |
DLOD | Dwelling Location | First |
DWTD | Dwelling Type | First |
HHTD | Household Type | First |
HIDD | Household Income Derivation Indicator | Second |
HIND | Household Income (weekly) | Second |
HLRD | Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) dollar values | First |
HLRD01 | Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) ranges | First |
LLDD | Landlord Type | First |
MCYCD | Number of Motorbikes and Scooters | First |
MV1D | Household One Year Mobility Indicator | Second |
MV5D | Household Five Year Mobility Indicator | Second |
NPDD | Type of Non-Private Dwelling | First |
RNTD | Rent (weekly) dollar values | First |
RNTD01 | Rent (weekly) ranges | First |
STRD | Dwelling Structure | First |
TEND | Tenure Type | First |
VEHD | Number of Motor Vehicles | First |
|  |  |
Family variables | Release |
CDCAF | Count of Dependent Children Under 15 Temporarily Absent | First |
CDSAF | Count of Dependent Students (15-24) Temporarily Absent | First |
CNDAF | Count of Non-Dependent Children Temporarily Absent | First |
CPAF | Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Family | First |
FIDF | Family Income Derivation Indicator | Second |
FINF | Family Income (weekly) | Second |
FMTF | Family Type | First |
FNOF | Family Number | First |
FRLF | Relationship Between Families | First |
SPLF | Location of Spouse | First |