The Business Longitudinal Database (BLD) is designed to facilitate micro level analysis for a panel (cohort) of small and medium businesses over time. It contains information on the characteristics of selected businesses, obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Business Characteristics Survey (BCS), and financial data for these businesses obtained from two sources: i) Business Activity Statements (BAS) provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and ii) import and export data provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).
This release of the BLD Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) provides information for the fifth panel of the BLD, which includes five years of data covering the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. Steps to confidentialise the dataset are taken to ensure the integrity of data, optimise its content and maintain confidentiality of respondents. These include removing any information that might uniquely identify an individual business and reducing the level of detail for some items.
The CURF is available via the ABS Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) and DataLab. The RADL is a secure online data query service accessible for authorised users via the ABS web site. DataLab is an on-site data analysis solution available for authorised users at all ABS sites around Australia. Users should refer to the CURF Microdata entry page for further information ( - Microdata access).
This product was originally "Microdata: Business Longitudinal Database, Australia", but it has been renamed to "Microdata: Business Characteristics, Australia" to better describe the data and to distinguish it from a new ABS statistical product that has been developed. In partnership with the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, the ABS developed the Expanded Analytical Business Longitudinal Database (EABLD). The EABLD is a data integration methodology which transforms administrative data from a range of sources and links it with ABS survey data using the ABS Business Register as the integrating spine. For further information about this product see 8171.0 - Information Paper: Construction of the Expanded Analytical Business Longitudinal Database, 2001-02 to 2012-13 .