Businesses on the BLD CURF have one record for each of the five financial years contained in the panel.
BLD CURF files
The 2009-10 to 2013-14 BLD CURF contains the files listed below which are available through the Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) and the DataLab.
- BLD14E.SAS7BDAT: the BLD CURF file in SAS for Windows format.
- FORMATS.SAS7BDAT: the format file that provides the labels for associated codes in the SAS version of the BLD CURF.
- BLD14E.SAV: the BLD CURF file in SPSS format.
- BLD14E.DTA: the BLD CURF file in STATA format.
Information files
- Data Item List: Documentation relating to the content of the BLD CURF, including data item names can be found in 8168055001_data_item_list_2009-10_to_2013-14.xls. The file is an Excel spreadsheet and is available from the Downloads tab of this product.
- Frequencies File: For selected variables on the BLD CURF, the variable values (including formatted values) and the corresponding unweighted frequencies can be found in BLD14E_Frequencies.txt. These files are provided in plain text format and are available from the RADL.
- Test File: This file contains 500 units of fabricated data for users to test and refine their code prior to conducting analyses on the BLD CURF in the RADL or DataLab. This file mimics the real CURF file, in terms of data items included, their names, values and formats, plus the relationships between items. The only difference is in the business identifier which appears as TESTID on the test file, versus ABSBID on the real file. Importantly, this file does not contain any real data and cannot be used for analysis.The test file is an Excel spreadsheet named 8168055001_test_file_2009-10_to_2013-14.xls, available from the Downloads tab of this product.