The advertised download speed range that recorded the highest number of subscribers at 30 June 2014 was the 8Mbps to less than 24Mbps range, with 6.3 million subscribers, a 26% increase from the end of June 2013. Half (50%) of all subscribers have an advertised download speed in the 8Mbps to less than 24Mbps range.
The number of subscribers that accessed the internet at an advertised download speed of 1.5Mbps to less than 8Mbps decreased by 24% to 3.8 million subscribers between 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014.
More than 2 million subscribers accessed the internet at an advertised internet access speed of 24Mbps or greater.
Internet subscribers by advertised download speed(a), for ISPs with more than 1,000 subscribers |
 |  | Jun 2013 | Dec 2013 | Jun 2014 |
 |  | '000 | '000 | '000 |
Less than 256kbps | 232 | 210 | 186 |
Broadband |  |  |  |
 | 256kbps to less than 1.5Mbps | 394 | 332 | 256 |
 | 1.5Mbps to less than 8Mbps | r4 971 | 4 159 | 3 758 |
 | 8Mbps to less than 24Mbps | r4 976 | 5 608 | 6 252 |
 | 24Mbps or greater | 1 785 | 2 088 | 2 030 |
Total Broadband (256kbps or greater) | 12 126 | 12 187 | 12 296 |
Total number of subscribers | 12 358 | 12 397 | 12 483 |
(a) Dial-up and broadband figures by sector are collected by advertised download speeds, therefore these data may not equal figures reported for type of access connection, due to some broadband connections being reported as less than 256kbps. For more information refer to the Glossary. |
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