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Contents Base map See Digital base map data. Bedsitter/flat See Dwelling Structure (STRD). There are 3 birthplace variables. Birthplace of Individual (BPLP), which records a person's country of birth, and Birthplace of Female Parent (BPFP) and Birthplace of Male Parent (BPMP), which indicate whether a person's parent was born in Australia or overseas. Prior to 2001, parental birthplace was coded to a country. For the 2001 Census the ‘Standard Australian Classification of Countries’ (SACC) is used to classify responses for birthplace of individual. In 1996 the 'Australian Standard Classification of Countries for Social Statistics' (ASCCSS) was used. Both classifications use the current names of countries, so if a person uses a former name the current name is coded. For example, Siam would be coded to Thailand. If birthplace of individual is not stated on the census form, an attempt is made to derive it from other answers. However for the 2001 Census there is less scope to derive this data because of changes to other variables. If birthplace cannot be derived it is coded to ‘Not stated’. People born in Australia are not required to complete Question 12 which asks, 'In what year did the person first arrive in Australia to live here for one year or more?'. Birthplace variables when used with Language Spoken at Home (LANP), Ancestry (ANCP) and Religious Affiliation (RELP) provide important information on ethnicity. See also Ancestry (ANCP), Australia, Australian Citizenship (CITP), Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), Year of Arrival in Australia (YARP). Birthplace of Female Parent (BPFP) See Birthplace. Birthplace of Individual (BPLP) See Birthplace. Birthplace of Male Parent (BPMP) See Birthplace. A boarder is any person aged 15 years or over who is unrelated to any member of a household, and who is supplied with meals and lodging in return for payment. Boarders are considered household members but not family members because they are unrelated to anyone in the household. In the Relationship in Household (RLHP) classification, boarders are coded to 'unrelated individual living in a family household'. If the boarder is found to be related to any person in the household then this familial relationship takes precedence over the fact that the person is also a boarder. See also Lodger, Relationship in Household (RLHP). Boarders at school or college are specifically asked to record the school or college as their usual residence. This instruction was not given in censuses prior to 1986 and often these people incorrectly reported their family home as their place of usual residence. See also Type of Non-Private Dwelling (NPDD). See Digital boundaries. See Section of State, Urban Centre/Locality. See Tenure Type (TEND).