30/10/2017 - This release includes replacement content:
- Replacement of number of persons in table 1.3 for 2015-16, number of persons in table 1.4 for 2015-16 and missing links to Summary and Explanatory Notes, in data cube Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia 2015-16.
- Footnote in table 2.4 in data cube Wealth Distribution, Australia, 2003-04 to 2015-16 corrected.
- Missing link to Summary and Explanatory Notes on contents page of data cube Household Economic Resources and Debt fixed.
- Missing footnote on tables 8.1, 8.2, 8.5 and 8.6 in Net Worth Quintiles data cube has been fixed.
- Fixing of formatting issue in Table 10.4 that had data in the incorrect line and zero values that should have been nya in table 10.5 of the Tenure and Landlord Type data cube have been fixed.
- Missing copyright link in table 12.4 and zero values that should have been nya in table 12.5 of the Age of Household Reference Person data cube have been fixed.
- Extra footnote in table 14.4 of the Child Care data cube has been removed.
- Missing links and footnotes added to Data Comparability Between SIH and Other ABS Sources data cube.