29/05/2018 - Correction to Data Cubes 37 and 38 and associated statistical commentary as follows:
Datacube 37: Independent contractors: Industry of main job-By selected characteristics of independent contracting-By Sex - Labelling corrected for 'whether had authority over own working procedures', and, 'whether had more than one active contract in the reference week'.
Datacube 38: Independent contractors: Occupation of main job-By selected characteristics of independent contracting-By Sex - Labelling corrected for 'whether had authority over own working procedures', and, 'whether had more than one active contract in the reference week'.
Key Findings: Independent contractors - Update to percentage of Independent contractors who had more than one active contract in the reference week.
18/12/2015 - Correction to Data Cubes 10, 12, 20 and 49 and associated commentary in the key findings as follows:
Data Cube 10: Employed persons: Selected characteristics–By full-time or part-time status and duration (length) of current trade union membership–By sex, contained incorrect data for the relative standard errors of the proportions employed persons who were trade union members in main job of persons (males and females) Relationship in household; Family member; Husband wife or partner; With and Without dependents (6 cells).
Data Cube 12: Employed persons: Weekly earnings in main job–By full-time or part-time status and duration (length) of current trade union membership–By sex, contained incorrect data for mean weekly earnings in main job for trade union members in main job (3 cells) and those who were not trade union members (1 cell). Corresponding relative standard errors (RSE) have also been updated in this Data Cube.
The key findings that reported this incorrect data have also been updated to read:
- The mean weekly earnings in main job for employed persons who were a trade union member in their main job was $1,295 compared to $1,162 estimates for employed persons who were not trade union members.
Data Cube 20: Employees and Owner managers of incorporated enterprises (OMIEs) in main job: Selected personal and employment characteristics–By full-time or part-time status in main job–By sex, contained incorrect data for full-time and part-time workers by sex. This Data Cube has been updated to output the data: sex by full-time or part-time workers. Corresponding relative standard errors (RSE) have also been updated in this Data Cube.
The key findings that reported this incorrect data have also been updated to read:
- The Mining industry Division contained the highest proportion of employees and OMIEs who worked full-time in their main job (96%) while Accommodation and food services had the lowest proportion (39%).
The Construction industry Division had the highest proportion of all males who worked full-time in their main job (14%), followed by Manufacturing (13%). The Health care and social assistance industry Division had the highest proportion of all females who worked full-time in their main job (19%) followed by Education and training (13%). The industry Division with the most part-time workers was Health care and social assistance (19%).
The Managers occupation group had the highest proportion of employees and OMIEs who worked full-time in their main job (89%), while Sales workers had the lowest proportion (41%).
The Technicians and trades workers occupation group had the highest proportion of males who worked full-time in their main job (24%) followed by Professionals (21%). The Professionals occupation group had the highest proportion of females who worked full-time in their main job (30%) followed by Clerical and administrative workers (26%). The occupation groups with the most part-time workers were Sales workers and Professionals (both 19%).
Data Cube 49: Populations: Mean weekly earnings in main job–By state or territory of usual residence–By sex, contained incorrect data for mean weekly earnings in main job for NSW of both females and persons for all population groups
Further mean weekly earnings in main job for the population groups
Population 11: Multiple job holders and
Population 13: Employees and owner managers of incorporated enterprises (OMIEs) in second job has been updated for all persons (males and females). Corresponding relative standard errors (RSE) have also been updated in this Data Cube.
Key Findings:
- The mean weekly earnings for full-time workers in all jobs has been updated, as well as the percentage increase since August 2004;
- The proportion of employed females in the Health care and social assistance has been updated;
- The proportion of full-time employees and OMIEs who earned $1,000 or more per week has been updated; and
- Additional updates to referenced Data Cubes.