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Non-School Qualification: Field of Study (QALFP) This variable describes the field of study of the highest completed non-school qualification. The full classification for levels of education and fields of education, together with an explanation of the conceptual basis of the classification, can be found in the publication Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) (Cat. no. 1272.0). This publication is due for release around July 2001. QALFP is derived from a number of responses to the census form, including the name of the awarding institution. The responses are used only for coding the correct field of study. Qualifications outside the scope of this variable are classified as not applicable. See also Full/Part-Time Student Status (STUP), Non-School Qualification: Level of Education (QALLP), Non-School Qualification: Year Completed (QALYP), Type of Educational Institution Attending (TYPP).