4914.0.55.001 - Newsletter: Age Matters, Sep 2006  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 11/10/2006   
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21 November 2006
Emerging Researchers in Ageing 5th National Conference: Research informing positive outcomes in older persons.
Sydney, NSW.

The ERA 2006 Conference aims to showcase the latest ageing-related Doctoral research from a range of disciplines. Previous ERA Conferences have been organised by the Australasian Centre on Ageing at the University of Queensland and held in Brisbane annually since 2002. This year it will be conducted in Sydney and organised by The University of Sydney, in association with the University of Queensland. ERA 2006 is part of the emerging researchers initiative of the ARC/NHMRC Research Network in Ageing Well.

22-24 November 2006
AAG 2006 National Conference - Diversity in Ageing

Sydney, NSW.

This is the 39th National Conference of The Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG). Under the theme ‘Diversity in Ageing’, areas to be explored through the conference are:

  • Cultural diversity: attitudes to ageing; indigenous ageing; crossing linguistic and ethnic divides to culturally appropriate care; health differences between groups; spiritual needs.
  • Gender diversity: men’s ageing; women’s ageing; ageing amongst the gay and lesbian community.
  • Health diversity: healthy ageing; ageing well; chronic conditions; acute care; residential care; community care; mental health.
  • Social diversity: social inequality and poverty; economic impact of ageing; globalisation; mature age employment; financial planning; urban/regional planning.

This conference will be of interest to people from a variety of aged care backgrounds such as health care, social workers, policy makers, service providers, education and research professionals, social scientists.

For further information see the Conference website - www.aagconference2006.com

5-8 December 2006
Australian Population Association 13th Biennial Conference - Population, Policy and Australia’s Destiny

Adelaide, SA.

Main themes for the conference are:
  • Population and Policy in Australia’s Future;
  • Population Change and Policy at the Local and Regional Levels;
  • Transnationalism: Australia and Region.

The W.D. Borrie Lecture will be presented by Professor Ian Pool on ‘The Baby Boom in New Zealand and Other Western Developed Countries’ on 5 December.

For further information see the Conference website - www.arts.adelaide.edu.au/socialsciences/APAConference2006

14-16 December 2006 (tentative)

The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Panel on Ageing in Developing Countries, the Latin American Demography Centre (CELADE), Network for Research on Ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean (REALCE), and the Network of Researchers on Ageing in Developing Countries (University of Michigan) - Seminar on Aging in Developing Countries: Building Bridges for Integrated Research Agendas.
Santiago, Chile.

The scientific program seeks to promote discussion on cross-cutting issues of ageing processes, compare alternative study designs for data collection, share information and approaches to key problems, disseminate and encourage the use of existing data sources, and foster the development of new sources capitalising on past research findings in the developed and developing world.

For further information see the Conference website: www.iussp.org/Activities/ageing/call06.php