Data items | Population |
| Demographic | |
1 | | State or territory of usual residence | All |
2 | | Area of usual residence | All |
3 | | Region of usual residence | All |
4 | | Social marital status | All |
5A | | Country of birth of women | All |
5B | | Country of birth and period of arrival of women | All |
6 | | Age of women | All |
7 | | Age of partner | 5-9 |
8 | | Country of birth of partner | 5-9 |
9 | | Age of selected child in months | All |
10 | | Number of families in household | All |
11 | | Number of persons in household | All |
12 | | Number of children under the age of 15 in the household | All |
13 | | Household composition | All |
14 | | Household type (standard) | All |
15 | | Family composition (broad) | All |
15A | | Family composition | All |
16 | | Number of people in family | All |
17 | | Number of children aged 0-14 in family | All |
18 | | Number of children 0-4 in family | All |
19 | | Number of children 5-9 in family | All |
20 | | Number of children 10-14 in family | All |
21 | | Whether (selected) child under 2 years is the only child in the family | All |
| Income at November 2011 | |
22 | | Main source of household income (all members) | All |
23 | | Total current household income per week (all members) | All |
24A | | Equivalised gross household income per week | All |
24B | | Equivalised gross household income per week (quintiles) | All |
25 | | All sources of household income (excluding women and partner) | All |
26A | | Weekly household income (excluding women and partner) | All |
26B | | Total household income (excluding women and partner) | All |
27 | | All sources of women and partner income | 5 |
29 | | Weekly income of women and partner | 5 |
30 | | All sources of women's income | 1-4 |
31A | | Main source of woman's income - collapsed | 1-4 |
31B | | Main source of women's income | 1-4 |
32A | | Total income of women per week | 1-4 |
32B | | Total income of women | 1-4 |
33 | | All sources of partner's income | 5-8 |
34 | | Main source of partner's income | 5-8 |
35A | | Total income of partner per week | 5-8 |
35B | | Total income of partner | 5-8 |
| Women's job at November 2011 | |
36 | | Labour force status in main job of women | 1-4 |
37 | | Status in employment in main job of women | 4 |
38 | | Employment type in main job of women | 4 |
39 | | Multiple jobholder status of women | 4 |
40 | | Hours usually worked in main job of women | 4 |
41 | | Hours usually worked in all jobs of women | 4 |
42 | | Hours actually worked in main job of women | 4 |
43 | | Hours actually worked in all jobs of women | 4 |
44 | | Full-time or part-time status in all jobs of women | 4 |
45 | | Full-time or part-time status in main job of women | 4 |
46 | | Industry of main job of women | 4 |
47 | | Occupation of main job of women | 4 |
48 | | Continuous duration in main job of women | 4 |
49 | | Whether women had paid leave entitlements in main job | 4 |
50 | | Whether women entitled to paid sick leave in main job | 4 |
51 | | Whether women entitled to paid holiday leave in main job | 4 |
52 | | Whether women entitled to paid maternity leave in main job | 4 |
53 | | Whether women entitled to paid long service leave in main job | 4 |
54 | | Sector of employment in main job of women | 4 |
55 | | Types of and whether used flexible work arrangements in main job of women to assist with the care of child | 4 |
| Partner's job at November 2011 | |
56 | | Labour force status in main job of partner | 5-8 |
57 | | Status in employment in main job of partner | 8 |
58 | | Employment type in main job of partner | 8 |
59 | | Multiple jobholder status in main job of partner | 8 |
60 | | Hours usually worked in main job of partner | 8 |
61 | | Hours usually worked in all jobs of partner | 8 |
62 | | Hours actually worked in main job of partner | 8 |
63 | | Hours actually worked in all jobs of partner | 8 |
64 | | Full-time or part-time status in all jobs of partner | 8 |
65 | | Full-time or part-time status in main job of partner | 8 |
66 | | Industry of main job of partner | 8 |
67 | | Occupation of main job of partner | 8 |
68 | | Sector of employment in main job of partner | 8 |
69 | | Whether partner had paid leave entitlements in main job | 8 |
70 | | Whether partner entitled to paid sick leave in main job | 8 |
71 | | Whether partner entitled to paid holiday leave in main job | 8 |
72 | | Whether partner entitled to paid paternity leave in main job | 8 |
73 | | Whether partner entitled to paid long service leave in main job | 8 |
74 | | Continuous duration in main job of partner | 8 |
75 | | Types and whether partner used flexible work arrangements in main job to assist with the care of the child | 8 |
| Women's job while pregnant | |
76 | | Whether had a job while pregnant with youngest child aged under 2 years | 2 |
77 | | Status in employment of women in job while pregnant | 2 |
78 | | Employment type of women in job while pregnant | 2 |
79 | | Hours usually worked in job while pregnant immediately before stopping work for birth of child | 2 |
80 | | Whether changed usual hours of work in job while pregnant | 2 |
81a | | Whether changed usual hours of work in job while pregnant due to pregnancy | 2 |
81b | | Whether changed usual hours of work in job while pregnant for reasons other than pregnancy | 2 |
82 | | Full-time or part-time status in job while pregnant before change in hours of women | 2 |
83 | | Full-time or part-time status in job while pregnant after change in hours of women | 2 |
84 | | Industry of job while pregnant of women | 2 |
85 | | Occupation of job while pregnant of women | 2 |
86 | | Sector of employment in job while pregnant of women | 2 |
87 | | Whether women had paid leave entitlements in job while pregnant | 2 |
88 | | Whether women entitled to paid sick leave in job while pregnant | 2 |
89 | | Whether women entitled to paid holiday leave in job while pregnant | 2 |
90 | | Whether women entitled to paid maternity leave in job while pregnant | 2 |
91 | | Whether women entitled to long service leave in job while pregnant | 2 |
92 | | Number of employees who worked for an employer in job while pregnant of women | 2 |
93 | | Continuous duration in job while pregnant of women | 2 |
94 | | Types of perceived discrimination in the workplace while pregnant | 2 |
95 | | Types of perceived discrimination in the workplace while pregnant directly associated with pregnancy | 2 |
96 | | Number of weeks stopped work before the birth | 2 |
97 | | Whether claimed Baby Bonus or Paid Parental Leave for birth of selected child | 2 |
98 | | Main reason for not claiming Paid Parental Leave | 2 |
99 | | Whether took full or half pay paid maternity leave for birth of child | 2 |
100 | | Number of weeks of maternity leave at full pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
101 | | Number of weeks of maternity leave at half pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
102 | | Total number of weeks of paid (full and half pay) maternity leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
103 | | Main reason that women did not take paid maternity leave for birth of child | 2 |
104 | | Whether took full or half pay paid holiday leave for birth of child for birth of child | 2 |
105 | | Number of weeks of holiday leave at full pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
106 | | Number of weeks of holiday leave at half pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
107 | | Total number of weeks of paid (full and half pay) holiday leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
108 | | Whether took full or half pay long service leave for birth of child | 2 |
109 | | Number of weeks of long service leave at full pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
110 | | Number of weeks of long service leave at half pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
111 | | Total number of weeks of full and half pay) long service leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
112 | | Whether took full or half pay other paid leave for birth of child | 2 |
113 | | Number of weeks of other paid leave at full pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
114 | | Number of weeks of other paid leave at half pay taken for birth of child | 2 |
115 | | Total number of weeks of (full and half pay) other paid leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
116 | | Total number of weeks of paid leave (full and half pay) taken for birth of child | 2 |
117 | | Whether took unpaid maternity leave for birth of child | 2 |
118 | | Number of weeks of unpaid maternity leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
119 | | Main reason that women did not take unpaid maternity leave for birth of child | 2 |
120 | | Whether took parental or other unpaid leave for birth of child | 2 |
121 | | Number of weeks of parental and/or other unpaid leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
122 | | Total number of weeks of unpaid leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
123 | | Total number of weeks of paid (full and half pay) and unpaid leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
124A | | Whether women were on leave for birth of child and type of leave currently on | 2 |
124B | | Whether took leave and type of leave taken for birth of child | 2 |
125 | | All reasons permanently left last main job while pregnant | 2 |
126 | | Main reason permanently left last main job while pregnant | 2 |
| Partner's job while women were pregnant | |
127 | | Whether partner worked in a job while women were pregnant | 6 |
128 | | Status in employment of partner's job while women were pregnant | 6 |
129 | | Employment type of partner in job while women were pregnant | 6 |
130 | | Hours usually worked by partners in job while women were pregnant | 6 |
131 | | Industry of partner's job while women were pregnant | 6 |
132 | | Occupation of partner's job while women were pregnant | 6 |
133 | | Sector of employment of partner's job while women were pregnant | 6 |
134 | | Whether partner took and type of paid leave for birth of child | 6 |
135 | | Total number of weeks partner took of paid leave for birth of child | 6 |
136 | | Total number of weeks partner took of unpaid leave/time away from work for birth of child | 6 |
137 | | Whether partner took paid or unpaid leave/time away from work for birth of child | 6 |
138 | | Total number of weeks of paid and unpaid leave of partners for birth of child | 6 |
| Women's first job started or returned to after birth of child | |
139 | | Whether women started or returned to work after the birth of child | 1 |
140 | | All reasons had not started or returned to work since birth of child | 3 |
141 | | Main reason had not started or returned to work since birth of child | 3 |
142 | | Age of child when started or returned to work after the birth | 3 |
143 | | Whether returned to the same employer/business since birth of child | 3 |
144 | | Whether job changed on return to work with the same employer after birth of child | 3 |
145 | | Status in employment in women's first main job since birth of child | 3 |
146 | | Employment type in women's in first main job since birth of child | 3 |
147 | | Hours usually worked when first started or returned to work of women since birth of child | 3 |
148 | | Full-time or part-time status of first main job of women since birth of child | 3 |
149 | | Industry of first main job of women since birth of child | 3 |
150 | | Occupation of first main job of women since birth of child | 3 |
151 | | Sector of employment in first main job of women since birth of child | 3 |
152 | | Whether women had paid leave entitlements in first main job since birth of child | 3 |
153 | | Whether women entitled to paid sick leave in first main job since birth of child | 3 |
154 | | Whether women entitled to paid holiday leave in first main job since birth of child | 3 |
155 | | Whether women entitled to paid maternity leave in first main job since birth of child | 3 |
156 | | Whether women entitled to long service leave in first main job since birth of child | 3 |
157 | | All reasons women commenced work since birth of child | 3 |
158 | | Main reason women commenced work since birth of child | 3 |
159 | | Types and whether women used flexible work arrangements in first main job since birth to assist with the care of the child | 3 |
160 | | All types of childcare used since started or returned to work since birth of child | 3 |
161 | | Main type of childcare used since started or returned to work since birth of child | 3 |
| Women whose partner started or returned to work after birth of child | |
162 | | Whether partner started or returned to work after the birth of child | 5 |
163 | | Status in employment in partners first main job since birth of child | 7 |
164 | | Employment type in job of partner in first main job since birth of child | 7 |
165 | | Hours usually worked by partner when first started or returned to work after birth of child | 7 |
166 | | Full-time or part-time status in first main job of partner since birth of child | 7 |
167 | | Industry of first main job of partner since birth of child | 7 |
168 | | Occupation of first main job of partner since birth of child | 7 |
169 | | Sector of employment in first main job of partner since birth of child | 7 |
170 | | Whether partner's usually hours of work with same employer/business changed because of the birth of child | 7 |
171 | | Whether partner worked part-time after birth of child to assist with the care of child | 7 |
172 | | Types and whether partner used flexible work arrangements in first main job since birth to assist with the care of child | 7 |