This publication presents estimates of the key energy measures and environmental management practices of Australian industry for 2014–15. These estimates are compiled from the Energy, Water and Environment Survey (EWES) conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and supplemented by data from the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator.
The estimates in this publication are based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition (cat. no. 1292.0).
Estimates presented in the Main Features have been converted to gigajoules (GJ) to enable comparability across the varying energy and fuel products. The consumption estimates in the data cubes contain the units of measure as collected in EWES 2014–15. For information on conversion factors please refer to the Explanatory Notes in this issue.
The Energy, Water and Environment Survey (EWES) is a benchmark survey collected triennially since 2008–09 and is co-funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. The 2014–15 results present the third iteration of EWES following the 2011–12 and 2008–09 releases. Australian industry energy data is available via the Energy Account, Australia (cat. no. 4604.0) for interim years.
ABS is currently looking for ways to improve the type and format of information we provide to users, and would welcome any comments and suggestions regarding future releases of Energy Use, Electricity Generation and Environmental Management, Australia.
Comments should be sent to, or addressed to the Director, Annual Industry Statistics Business Statistics Centre, Australian Bureau of Statistics, GPO Box 2796Y, Melbourne, VIC 3001.
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