FIDF Family Income Derivation Indicator - 2nd Release
This variable allows family income to be derived based on any of the following conditions.
Applicable to: Families in family households
No members aged 15 or more temporarily absent
 | All incomes stated
1 No negative incomes stated
2 One or more negative incomes stated
One or more incomes not stated
3 No negative incomes stated
4 One or more negative incomes stated |
One or more members aged 15 or more temporarily absent
 | Incomes stated for all members present
5 No negative incomes stated
6 One or more negative incomes stated
One or more incomes of members present not stated
7 No negative incomes stated
8 One or more negative incomes stated |
Not applicable
9 Not applicable
Total number of categories: 9
Not applicable (9) category comprises:
Non-Family/Non-Classifiable households
Unoccupied private dwellings
Non-Private dwellings
Migratory and off-shore CDs