Welcome to the second edition of Culture and Recreation News for 2010. It is with pleasure that I bring you this newsletter in the capacity of Acting Director whilst our regular Director, Andrew Middleton is actively pursuing all the arts, culture and recreation that he can during his 6 week holiday in Europe!
Since the March Newsletter, there has been much activity in NCCRS including progressing surveys, finalising publications and preparing reports. Results from the Cultural Funding survey have been released (Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2008-09, cat.no. 4183.0) and the second publication from this survey (Cultural Funding in Australia: Three Tiers of Government) is being finalised. In addition, both Culture and Sport sections have been busy finalising their flagship publications, the sports compendium (Sports and Physical Recreation: a Statistical Overview, Australia, cat. no. 4156.0) and the culture compendium (Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, cat. no. 4172.0) ready for October releases. Both publications bring together an array of data relating to the arts and cultural heritage and sports and physical recreation sectors. Several feature articles are also ready for release along side the compendium publications and details about what they contain can be found in this newsletter.
There has also been much survey activity both in the development phase and field collection phase over the last 6 months. Our exciting new survey about Cultural Participation is in the field after 18 months of development, as mentioned in the last Newsletter results are expected late 2011. Sport attendance, sport participation and cultural attendance surveys concluded their data collection phase in July and publications are currently being prepared, ready for release at the end of this year. Results from the Involvements in Organised Sport and Physical Activity Survey (cat. no. 6285.0) will also be available shortly. These releases will provide us with a wealth of data sources for future analytical projects and reports.
As flagged in March, work has been completed on reviewing current progress towards obtaining comparable statistics across cultural heritage organisations following the release of the Information Paper, Towards Comparable Statistics for Cultural Heritage Organisations, 2008 (cat. no. 4916.0) in November 2008. We thank the cultural heritage organisations and peak bodies who provided input into the review. Feedback has been collated, analysed and summarised and the report will shortly be provided to CMC SWG for their consideration in determining the next steps should towards achieving comparable and consistent reporting across the cultural heritage sector
I hope you find the information in this newsletter both informative and interesting as usual , we would love to hear from you if you have any comments, questions or suggestions about any of the work we do in the National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics.
Jenny Dobak
Acting Director