Overseas migration estimates are final for 2016 and preliminary for 2017. Preliminary estimates are based on outputs from a propensity model and data is therefore an aggregate rather than a true count of each individual. Please take care when using the variables of preliminary estimates at this level of granularity. See paragraph 9 of the Explanatory Notes for further information.
This time series is based on the '12/16 month rule' methodology and provides data from 2004-05 onwards. It has been used in calculating Australia's official estimated resident population (ERP) since September quarter 2006. NOM estimates from September quarter 2011 onward have been produced based on improved methods - see the: Information Paper: Improvements to the Estimation of Net Overseas Migration, Mar 2018 (cat. no. 3412.0.55.004). For further information, see paragraphs 24 to 34 of the Explanatory Notes.
Country classification and codes are from the: Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2016 (cat. no. 1269.0)
To confidentialise, estimates in this data cube have been rounded to the nearest 10. As a result, sums of the components may not add exactly to totals. Rounded figures and unrounded figures should not be assumed to be accurate to the last digit shown. Analysis featured in the publication is based on unrounded data. Calculations made on rounded data may differ to those published.