ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
Aust. | Australia |
DIAC | Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship |
DIBP | Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection |
DIMA | Australian Government Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs |
ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
ASGS | Australian Statistical Geography Standard |
ERP | estimated resident population |
GCCSA | Greater Capital City Statistical Area |
LGA | Local Government Area |
LTRD | long-term resident departure |
LTRR | long-term resident return |
LTVA | long-term visitor arrival |
LTVD | long-term visitor departure |
MA | migration adjustment |
nec | not elsewhere classified |
nfd | not further defined |
NIM | net interstate migration |
NOM | net overseas migration |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
OAD | overseas arrivals and departures |
PA | permanent arrival |
PD | permanent departure |
Qld | Queensland |
RIME | Regional internal migration estimates |
ROADS | rebuild of the OAD system |
SA | South Australia |
SA2 | Statistical Area Level 2 |
SA3 | Statistical Area Level 3 |
SA4 | Statistical Area Level 4 |
SACC | Standard Australian Classification of Countries |
SAR | Special Administrative Region |
STRD | short-term resident departure |
STRR | short-term resident return |
STVA | short-term visitor arrival |
STVD | short-term visitor departure |
Tas. | Tasmania |
TRIPS | Travel and Immigration Processing System |
UK | United Kingdom |
UK, CIs & IOM | United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man |
USA | United States of America |
Vic. | Victoria |
WA | Western Australia |