The following tables contain data used in calculating the various rates referred to in this publication. The first table is used to calculate infant death rates.
A1.1 Estimated Resident Population, by age and sex - 30 June 2006 |
|  |
 | Males | Females | Persons |  |
|  |
Under 1 | 137 879 | 131 032 | 268 911 |  |
1-14 | 1 940 919 | 1 840 313 | 3 781 232 |  |
15-24 | 1 474 193 | 1 409 905 | 2 884 098 |  |
25-34 | 1 451 762 | 1 447 857 | 2 899 619 |  |
35-44 | 1 522 122 | 1 540 018 | 3 062 140 |  |
45-54 | 1 420 169 | 1 438 799 | 2 858 968 |  |
55-64 | 1 132 795 | 1 126 611 | 2 259 406 |  |
65-74 | 688 004 | 720 303 | 1 408 307 |  |
75-84 | 418 158 | 538 658 | 956 816 |  |
85-94 | 99 572 | 200 582 | 300 154 |  |
95 and over | 4 765 | 17 072 | 21 837 |  |
All ages | 10 290 338 | 10 411 150 | 20 701 488 |  |
|  |
The number of deaths of children under one year of age in one calendar year per 1,000 live births in the same calendar year.
A1.2 Live births registered(a), Australia(b) - 1997-2006 |
|  |
Years | Males | Females | Persons |  |
|  |
1997 | 129 179 | 122 663 | 251 842 |  |
2002 | 128 623 | 122 365 | 250 988 |  |
2003 | 129 193 | 121 968 | 251 161 |  |
2004 | 130 600 | 123 646 | 254 246 |  |
2005 | 133 428 | 126 363 | 259 791 |  |
2006 | 136 692 | 129 257 | 265 949 |  |
|  |
(a) Used to calculate infant death rates |
(b) Includes other territories. |
For comparison and measuring purposes, perinatal deaths in this publication have also been expressed as rates. These rates are defined as follows:
- for foetal deaths and total perinatal deaths, the rates represent the number of deaths per 1,000 total relevant births which comprises live births and fetal deaths combined (where birthweight was at least 400 grams).
- for neonatal deaths, the rates represent the number of deaths per 1,000 live births (where birthweight was at least 400 grams).
The following table contain births data used in calculating perinatal death rates. It is used to calculate perinatal death rates based on the 400 grams/20 weeks gestation definition for foetal deaths. This definition has been predominantly used since 1997 and will be used in future issues.
A1.3 ADJUSTED BIRTHS(a), By sex - Australia(b) - 1997-2006 |
|  |
Years | Males | Females | Persons | Males | Females | Persons | Males | Females | Persons |  |
|  |
1997 | 129 143 | 122 631 | 251 774 | 829 | 687 | 1 516 | 131 459 | 124 012 | 255 471 |  |
2002 | 128 613 | 122 350 | 250 963 | 682 | 558 | 1 240 | 129 295 | 122 908 | 252 203 |  |
2003 | 129 175 | 121 951 | 251 126 | 701 | 587 | 1 288 | 129 876 | 122 538 | 252 414 |  |
2004 | 130 582 | 123 630 | 254 212 | 732 | 615 | 1 347 | 131 314 | 124 245 | 255 559 |  |
2005 | 133 348 | 126 296 | 259 644 | 741 | 670 | 1 411 | 134 089 | 126 966 | 261 055 |  |
2006 | 136 627 | 129 183 | 265 810 | 747 | 647 | 1 394 | 137 374 | 129 830 | 267 204 |  |
|  |
(a) Registered births adjusted to conform to 400 grams/20 weeks definition for the calculation of perinatal death rates. See Glossary and Explanatory notes, paragraphs 13-17 for further information. |
(b) Includes other territories. |
(c) Including those where heartbeat ceased before or after delivery is unknown. |