NOTE: The topic 'Price Indexes' was re-issued on 1st August 2008. The only change that was made was an amendment to the title of the second graph within the 'Consumer Price Index' section.
 |  | Feature Articles
New Dwelling Approvals in South Australia |
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 |  | Demography
Includes: Estimated resident population, Components of population change
South Australia's population increased 1.0% for the year ended 31 December 2007. |
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 |  | Labour Force
Includes: Contents, Job vacancies, Employed persons, Unemployment, Participation rate
South Australia's unemployment rate increased to 4.9% in June 2008. |
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 |  | Incomes
Includes: Average weekly earnings
Average weekly earnings for South Australian males increased 5.8% in the year to February 2008, while female earnings increased 2.1%. |
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 |  | State Accounts
Includes: State accounts, Household final consumption expenditure (HFCE)
South Australia's State Final Demand increased 1.1% in the March quarter 2008. |
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 |  | Consumption
Includes: Retail trade, New motor vehicle sales
South Australia's retail turnover increased 0.6% in May 2008. |
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 |  | Investment
Includes: Private new capital expenditure, Mineral and petroleum exploration expenditure
For the first time since March quarter 1993, South Australia's expenditure on Buildings and structures exceeded that on Equipment, plants and machinery in the March quarter 2008. |
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 |  | Construction
Includes: Building approvals, Construction work done
The total number of dwelling units approved in South Australia increased 2.0% from April 2008 to May 2008. |
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 |  | Price Indexes
Includes: Contents, Consumer price index, Wage price index, House price index
The price index for established houses for Adelaide rose 21.6% for the year ended March quarter 2008. |
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 |  | Housing Finance
Includes: Housing finance commitments
In May 2008, the average home loan commitment for owner occupied dwellings in South Australia was $192,600. |
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 |  | International Merchandise Trade
Includes: Exports and Imports
The value of South Australia's merchandise exports increased to $1,197m in May 2008 (up 42.8% from May 2007). |
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 |  | Water
Includes: Rainfall, Reservoir levels
The Bureau of Meteorology reports total water storage in Adelaide's reservoirs was at 44% of capacity at the beginning of July 2008. |
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