| In this issue of SA Stats
28/08/2007 | This issue of SA Stats focuses on children's participation in cultural and leisure activities in South Australia in 2005-06.
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 | Demography
Includes: Estimated Resident Population
03/07/2007 | The estimated resident population (ERP) for South Australia was 1,575,700 at 31 December 2006, an increase of 16,100 persons (0.9%) since 31 December 2005.
 | State Accounts
Includes: State Final Demand, Household Final Consumption Expenditure
03/07/2007 | South Australia's March 2007 quarter State Final Demand in chain volume (trend) terms was $16,893m and Australia's Domestic Final Demand was $249,793m.
 | Consumption
Includes: Retail Turnover, New Motor Vehicle Sales
03/07/2007 | The March 2007 trend estimate for South Australia's retail turnover was $1,361.1m, compared with the Australian total of $18,929.1m.
 | Investment
Includes: Private New Capital Expenditure, Mineral and Petroleum Exploration Expenditure
03/07/2007 | Between the September 2006 and the December 2006 quarters, the South Australian chain volume (trend) estimate of private new capital expenditure increased by 1.1% to $1,171m.
 | Production
Includes: Building Approvals
03/07/2007 | In March 2007, the total number (in trend terms) of dwelling units approved in South Australia was 893. Nationally, the total number (in trend terms) of dwelling units approved was 12,162.
 | Prices
Includes: Consumer Price Index (CPI)
03/07/2007 | The all groups consumer price index (CPI) for Adelaide increased by 1.8% in the 12 months to March 2007, compared with a 2.4% rise in the weighted average of eight capital cities.
 | Labour Force
Includes: Job Vacancies, Employed persons, Unemployment, Participation rate
03/07/2007 | In original terms, South Australia's total number of job vacancies increased to about 10,200 in May 2007 from 9,900 in February 2007. The May 2007 vacancies were 6% lower than in May 2006.
 | Incomes
Includes: Average Weekly Earnings
03/07/2007 | The trend estimate of average weekly (ordinary time) earnings for full-time adult persons in South Australia has increased by 2.6% in the 12 months to February 2007 reaching $999.50.
 | International Merchandise Trade
Includes: Exports and Imports
03/07/2007 | The value of South Australian merchandise exports (in original terms) was $740m in March 2007 up 33.6% from $554m in January 2007. The value of merchandise imports decreased to $576m in March 2007 from $597m in February 2007.
 | Housing Finance
Includes: Housing Finance Commitments
03/07/2007 | The trend estimate of the total value of housing finance commitments (owner occupation) in South Australia has risen by 9.7% to $926m in the 12 months to March 2007.
 | Environment
Includes: Use of Transport
03/07/2007 | Four in five SA cars carry only one passenger.