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INTERNET AND COMPUTER USE BY OLDER PERSONS Older persons, by activities(a) performed on the internet(b) Government services accessed on the internet Older persons who had accessed a government service on the internet for private purposes were asked to identify the services used. Almost two thirds (65%) of older persons Paid bills electronically. This was more than twice the proportion of any other service used, the next most common service being the electronic lodgement of Tax returns (24%).
Location of internet use In 2009, the majority of older persons who used the internet did so at Home (92%). Less than three in ten older persons used the internet at Work/business (27%). Purpose for internet access at home Almost all older persons (97%) who used the internet at home in 2009, did so for a Private/personal purpose. The next most common purpose for internet use at home was Work/business (30%). COMPUTER USE BY OLDER PERSONS More than three in five older persons (62%) reported having access to a computer at home in 2009, up from 40% in 2003. In 2009, nearly half (47%) of older persons used a computer at any location in the previous 12 months, compared to less than one in three (29%) in 2003. Location of computer use Home was the most commonly reported location of computer use (93%) by older persons who used a computer in the previous 12 months. The next most common location for computer use was Work/business (27%).