For 2003-04, there were 207 disability service outlets in Tasmania, funded by the Commonwealth/State Disability Agreement. Of these outlets, 46.9% were based in the Greater Hobart-Southern Region. Of the remaining outlets, 29.0% were based in the Northern Region, and 24.1% were based in the Mersey-Lyell Region.
Accommodation Support Services provide accommodation to people with a disability and assist persons with a disability to remain in their existing accommodation. Accommodation support services were the most common disability service type in Tasmania, accounting for 43.0% of all disability service outlets in 2003-04.
Community Support Services, which provide support to enable persons with a disability to live in a non-institutional setting, accounted for 5.3% of service outlets. Community Access Services, which provide opportunities for persons with a disability to gain their full potential for social independence, constituted 26.6% of all outlets.
Respite Services, which specifically provide a short term break for families and other voluntary caregivers of people with disabilities, accounted for 5.3% of service outlets in 2003-04 in Tasmania.
DISABILITY SERVICE OUTLETS, Tasmanian regions(a) - 2003-04 |
 | Greater Hobart-Southern | Northern | Mersey-Lyell | Tasmania |
Service type |
Accommodation support | 37 | 29 | 23 | 89 |
Community support | 5 | 4 | 2 | 11 |
Community access | 26 | 14 | 15 | 55 |
Respite | 3 | 4 | 4 | 11 |
Advocacy, information or referral(b) | 19 | 7 | 5 | 31 |
Other support | 7 | 2 | 1 | 10 |
Total | 97 | 60 | 50 | 207 |
 |  |  |  |  |
(a) Data included in this table were aggregated into regions from postcode data. As a result, the sum of the components may not always equal the total. The Greater Hobart-Southern Region contains postcodes 7000-7190 and 40% of 7215. The Northern Region contains 7209-7304 excluding 7256, and 60% of 7215. The Mersey-Lyell Region contains 7256 and 7305-7470.
(b) Generally, advocacy, information and referral services in Tasmania provide a statewide service.
Source: Unpublished data from the 2003-04 Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set (CSTDA), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. |