At February 2004, there were 384.88 kilometres of national roads across Tasmania, comprising the National Highway. The National Highway is funded by the Commonwealth government but managed by the state government.
The Northern Region had the longest total length of national roads (180.32 kilometres), followed by Mersey-Lyell (117.94 kilometres) and then Greater Hobart-Southern Region (86.62 kilometres). All nationally owned roads in Tasmania were sealed.
Of the 180.32 kilometres of nationally owned roads in the Northern Region, some 96.7% were located in rural areas and 3.3% located in urban areas. In the Greater-Hobart Southern Region, some 97.1% were located in rural areas and 2.9% located in urban areas. In the Mersey-Lyell Region, some 86.1% were located in rural areas and 13.9% located in urban areas.
Northern Midlands local government area (LGA) had the longest total length of nationally owned roads (90.62 kilometres).
NATIONAL ROADS, By local government areas - February 2004
 |  | Urban sealed | Rural sealed | Total roads |
|  |  |  |
Local government area | km | km | km |
Greater Hobart-Southern |  |  |  |
 | Brighton | 2.53 | 6.08 | 8.61 |
 | Derwent Valley | - | 1.09 | 1.09 |
 | Glenorchy | - | 0.99 | 0.99 |
 | Southern Midlands | - | 75.93 | 75.93 |
 | Total | 2.53 | 84.09 | 86.62 |
|  |  |  |
Northern |  |  |  |
 | Launceston | - | 10.08 | 10.08 |
 | Meander Valley | - | 79.62 | 79.62 |
 | Northern Midlands | 5.99 | 84.63 | 90.62 |
 | Total | 5.99 | 174.33 | 180.32 |
|  |  |  |
Mersey-Lyell |  |  |  |
 | Burnie | 6.38 | 10.66 | 17.04 |
 | Central Coast | - | 48.18 | 48.18 |
 | Devonport | 6.95 | 22.11 | 29.06 |
 | Latrobe | 3.06 | 20.60 | 23.66 |
 | Total | 16.39 | 101.55 | 117.94 |
|  |  |  |
Tasmania | 24.91 | 359.97 | 384.88 |
- nil or rounded to zero
Source: Asset Information Group, Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources. |