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Appendix - Tourism Statistics Workshop
As part of developing the forward tourism statistics work program, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) hosted a workshop in Canberra on 22 June 2009. The workshop was attended by a broad range of people, including representatives of federal and state governments and academic institutions.
A key focus of the workshop was to discuss the adoption and implementation of revised tourism and macro-economic standards, namely the Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA: RMF 2008), Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC 2006) and the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008). The impact of the new standards on the classification of tourism related industries and products was discussed, as well as the impact on future publications and tables. This workshop also provided an opportunity for users to put forward uses and views of key tourism statistics currently produced by the ABS, in particular the Australian National Accounts - Tourism Satellite Account (ABS cat no. 5249.0) and Tourism Accommodation, Australia (ABS cat. no. 8635.0).
A key outcome that we hoped to achieve at the workshop was consideration and discussion of the level of detail of the proposed tourism industry classification arising from the revised standards. The discussions relating to the industry classification at the Workshop were useful and will influence the direction in which the ABS is heading. The ABS proposes to undertake further user consultation to gather further discussion and comments.
A summary of key changes introduced with the new standards discussed at the workshop is listed below:
Treatment of goods purchased by visitors - under the new standards, only the retailer is in direct contact with the visitor, therefore only the retail margin will contribute to direct tourism value added.
A revised list of tourism characteristic products and industries which are consistent with the newly revised international classifications of activities and products - the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 4 (ISIC Rev. 4) and the Central Product Classification, Version 2 (CPC V2.0). Coinciding with these changes, the Australian and New Zealand Standard Product Classification (ANZSPC) is being decommissioned by the ABS and replaced by CPC V2.0, and the the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) has been revised to align more closely with ISIC Rev. 4.
Changes in the presentation of recommended publication tables.
Review of the definition of tourism consumption and tourism expenditure. Imputations for non-market transactions, which are included in the more inclusive concept of tourism consumption, are recommended to be isolated and grouped in the tables.
Other minor changes as a result of revisions to macro-economic standards.
An overview of the impact of the new standards on the tourism industry classification was presented. The industry detail recommended in the revised TSA standards is for twelve tourism characteristic industries plus 'All other industries'. This is less industry detail than in the ATSA as, for example, industries like 'Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food outlets' and 'Clubs, pubs, taverns and bars' are combined under the 'Food and beverage serving industry' in the new TSA standards. A discussion was held around the user need for the level of industry detail in previous TSA publications, specifically where the level of detail was greater than required in the international standards.
The impact of the revised standards on future TSA publications and tables was discussed, as were opportunities for supplementary information to include in future publications.
For more information, please contact Darren Page on Brisbane (07) 3222 6030 or darren.page@abs.gov.au. |